Quick Start on How to Add Home Medications in CalMHSA Rx

  1. Go to Patient Profile via Client Summary Screen or clicking on patient’s name anywhere in CalMHSA Rx screen.
  2. Go to ‘Medications’ section.
  3. Select ‘Add Medication’. Upon selecting, a search box will open for you to ‘search for a drug’.
  4. Enter part of the name of medication that you wish to add.
  5. There are 2 options for you to enter the name of home medication in the search box –
    1. Dropdown list that appears when you search for a medication. Select whichever medication name/formulation matches best in the list. Select the closest match. (Advise to always select medication from the dropdown list only).
    2. Enter Free text as medication by selecting ‘Enter free text ‘’medication name as typed” as medication’. (Avoid free text as there is no way to check for drug interactions/duplication of medications).
  6. Upon selecting a medication, a pop-up window opens ‘Add Medication’.
  7. You are encouraged to fill in all details in ‘Add Medication’, including if there are additional directions to patient or additional notes to pharmacist.
  8. Review and Acknowledge alerts for drug interactions/allergies (they appear only when medications and allergies are entered from the dropdown lists, provided respectively by the system).
  9. If free text is added, no such alert appears while adding medications.
  10. In the ‘Office Use Only’ textbox, please note that this is a ‘Home Medication’ and if other information about home medications is provided, then document it here.
  11. All active medications are seen in ‘Medications’ section and will show a summary of home medication details, including Directions, Quantity, Refill, Start Date, Stop Date, last Written and Options to Prescribe/Stop/Delete this medication, as appropriate for the user role if the data was entered.
  12. By clicking ‘Show Medication History’ button, you can see medication history from other sources.