Prescriber: How to Sign and Acknowledge Verbal Order

All verbal orders entered by a nurse will include adding the prescriber as a co-signer. All documents to co-sign, orders or not, will display in the Dashboard.

  1. Click the Search icon.
  2. Search for ‘Dashboard’.
  3. Select Dashboard (My Office).   
  1. Once on the Dashboard locate the Documents or Assigned Documents widget.
    1. Based on your permissions and set up you may see one widget or another.
  2. In the Co-Sign or To Co-Sign row, select the hyperlink number under ALL column. The My Documents screen will open.
  1. Utilize filters or column headers to locate orders. Note: filter is already filtered by Co-Signed.
    1. See Utilizing List Pages section for more details.
  2. Select the Client Orders Document hyperlink.
  1. The Order document will open. Review the order as needed.
  2. Click the plus icon to expand the header section.
  3. Select the radio button next to your name, in the Signer section.
  4. Click the Co-Sign button, in the Signer section.
  5. Your name will appear in the Signed By section and will be added to the PDF in the signature page.
  6. As a reminder, Batch signing can be used to sign Orders as well. See Prescriber: How to Batch Sign Documents section for details.