Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC)

The Pediatric Symptom Checklist, or PSC or PSC-35, is required for youth mental health clients ages 0-18.

  1. You must first have the client open, click the Search icon.
  2. Type Pediatric Symptom Checklist into the search bar.
  3. Click to select California Pediatric Symptom Checklist (Client).
  4. In the CDAG Program Enrollment window pop-up, click the drop down and click to select the appropriate program.
  5. Click OK to continue.
  6. The PSC document will open. Complete the document. The PSC-35 is a form that is completed by the youth’s caregiver. This may be done on paper and entered into this document for better tracking. You may also want to scan in the paper version the guardian completed. If so, see How do I scan a document into the client’s record?
  7. Click Sign to complete and generate the document.

When doing an Administrative Close, CalMHSA recommends using the most recent scores, as that’s most current information you had from the parent.