
The Header, pictured below, consists of several icons.


The Icons and Functionality table below describes each icon.

Icons and Functionality
The Menu icon will open and close the Navigation Filters bar
Clicking on the SmartCare icon will bring you back to your Home Page
The Search icon will allow you to quickly search for screens and list pages within SmartCare
The Favorite icon will allow you to search for screens and list pages that you have save in your favorites
The Person Search icon will allow you to search for a client by their name or ID number
The Unsaved Changes icon will display a list of screens that you made changes to but navigated away from before saving
The Notification icon will display a list of system notifications. The number that appears in the icon correlates to the number of notifications you have
The History icon will open a window that displays the last 13 patients and QuickLinks you have accessed in your current session
The Help icon, will take you to the SmartCare Online Help webpage
The Logout icon will log you out of SmartCare