How to Update the Billing Code for Psychotherapy for Crisis

  1. Click the Search icon
  2. Type Plans into the Search Bar.
  3. Click to select Plans (Administration).
  1. The Plans list page will open. Click to select DMH (Medi-Cal DMH)
  1. Click the Billing Codes tab.
  2. In the Billing Code section, in the procedure code field, click the drop-down arrow and select Psychotherapy for Crisis
  3. Click Apply Filter.
  1. Use the scroll bar to scroll slightly to the right and locate the codes associated with Telehealth in the location field.
  2. Click the Psychotherapy hyperlink in the Procedure field.
  1. The Plan Billing Code pop-up window will open. Under the Billing Code Information section replace the billing code of ‘90839’ with ‘H2011’ (1)
  2. Replace any modifiers of 93 or 95 with ‘SC’
  3. Click Save and click Close.