How to Turn on Zip Code Verification

Zip Code Verification is a feature that can be turned on in SmartCare. This tool is helpful for identifying errors in client address data and catching errors in mistyping, missing information, etc. The warning for zip code errors will show up on Client Information and in Client Contacts.

1. Click the Search icon.

2. Type “Configuration Keys” into the search bar.

3. Click to select “Configuration Keys (Administration)” from the search result

4. The Configuration Keys list page will open. In the Search field type “zip” and click the Apply Filter button.

5. Click the hyperlink ShowZipValidationOrWarningOnClient….

  1. On the Configuration Key Details screen, click in the field labeled Value and type in the word Warning in this field. Note: It is possible to write down the words “warning” or “error” here. It is recommended to set this as “Warning.”
  2. Click Save. You have now turned on Zip Code Verification.

How Do I Verify the Feature is Active

  1. Click the Client Search icon and search for your client.
  2. Hover over the client’s name to display the client menu to the right. 
  3. Click to select Client Information
  1. The Validation error will occur based on the data in the Addresses field and when clicking Save. 

Note: Depending on the error you will see the following pop-ups when attempting to save.