How to Set-Up Your Signature

When you sign a document in SmartCare, the signature will look like this: 

The system will automatically use your name, but you’ll have to enter your suffix (in this case, “MFT”). To create your signature suffix, follow the steps below: 

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen.  
  1. This will bring up a menu. Click to select “My Preferences. 
  1. This will take you to the My Preferences screen. Scroll to the bottom of the screen 
  1. In the Professional section in the bottom left corner, enter what you want your suffix to be. This should ONLY be the suffix. For example, if my signature should be “Clinician Staff, MFT” then I should enter “MFT” in the suffix field.  
    1. If you have multiple licenses, separate them with a comma. Example: “MFT, LPCC” 
  2. Click Save 


Prescribers will also need to “draw” their signature. This is used when a prescription must be faxed to the pharmacy because the system isn’t able to send it electronically. Follow the steps below to add your drawn signature: 

  1. In the same My Preferences screen, click on “Upload Signature Electronic” in the Staff Signature (Prescribers ONLY) section. 
  1. This will bring up a popup called Staff Signature. Draw your signature in the box using your mouse or touchpad. 
    1. If you’re using a signature pad, select “Signature Pad” first, and then sign the signature pad. 
  1. Once you’ve drawn your signature, click “Capture” to save the signature. 
    1. If you need to re-do your signature, click “Clear” to erase what’s on the screen and start over. 
  1. This will take you to back to the My Preferences screen where you can see your signature has been added.