This article provides information on how to renew prescriptions or reorder medications in CalMHSA Rx. The process shown in this article will give you complete information right from SmartCare to actions in CalMHSA Rx.
- Client’ is same as ‘Patient’
- County’ is same as ‘Practice’
- Location’ is same as ‘Program’
How to Navigate to CalMHSA Rx from SmartCare
- With the client’s chart open, click the Search icon.
- Type CalMHSA Rx in the Search Bar.
- Click to select CalMHSA Rx (Client).

- On the CalMHSA Rx transition screen, click the Client Summary button.

You will land on the Patient/Client Summary screen in CalMHSA Rx. At the top of the Client Summary screen, you will see your client’s name and some demographic information
- Note: Before you begin, you must make sure that your Location is correct and that your client has the correct pharmacy selected.
- a- Locations – They can be found at the top right of your screen. The list you see here is set by your system administrator. Select dropdown for Location. Choose a location from the list if one is not currently selected.
- b- Pharmacies – You will want to verify that the client has a pharmacy listed or choose one from the drop down. If there isn’t one listed, you can search and select one for your client

- Scroll down to the Active Medications section. Click the checkbox for the medication(s) you want to reorder and click the re-order button. With this method you can select multiple medications.
- Alternatively, you simply go to the medication line item and click the re-order button to the right in the Actions column.

- If needed, select a reason and acknowledge any clinical alerts.

- Scroll down to the Prescription Management section. Click the edit button if you need to make any changes.
- Click the appropriate option for finalizing the prescription.

How to Renew/Reorder Medications via the Prescription Summary Screen
- On the CalMHSA Rx transition screen, click the Client Summary button.

- Note: Use Client Summary screen to land at a particular client.
- It is very important to navigate to the correct patient, click the re-order icon in the Actions column to the right.

- If needed, select a reason and acknowledge any clinical alerts.

- Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and select the appropriate option for finalizing the prescription.

How to Renew/Reorder Medications via the Pharmacy Messages Screen
- On the CalMHSA Rx transition screen, click the Client Summary button.

For the selected client from SmartCare, when you click on Pharmacy Messages, you land on the General Pharmacy Messages screen in CalMHSA Rx. You will be able to see list of medications for all the clients under your care. It will display prescribers, pharmacy actions, pharmacy location etc. Along with these, you will be able to see a section called Response. This contains fields for Action, Provider, Response Notes to Pharmacist, as shown in the screenshot below
- If you are an authorized user (Instead, use Client Summary screen to land at a particular client).

- To renew a medication, click the dropdown arrow in the Action field and select Renew.
- Note: other options in the drop-down are:
- None: No action selected (not required if no change in action required)
- Forward: Allows a staff member to forward the prescription request to another qualified prescriber in his or her practice
- Remove: Should only be used if you have previously handled this request and it is a duplicate
- Modify Suggested: Should be used to modify the medication alternative suggested by pharmacy. Once clicked, a field appears above this field to allow selection of suggested alternative.
- Choose a New Drug: Should be used in case a new drug needs to be chosen from the medication database that exists in the system. Once clicked, a field appears above this field to allow selection of new drug.
- Deny: Will deny the request and keep the original prescription
- Renew: Renews the prescription with the desired number fills
- Note: other options in the drop-down are:

- Click Acknowledge in the Clinical Alerts pop-up.

- Make any edits to the prescription.
- Click Send.

Once renewal request is sent to Pharmacy, the following changes are displayed in the renewed medication section –
- The dropdown list in Action field shows the options, as shown in the screenshot below –
- None- No action selected (not required if no change in action required)
- Approve selected alternative
- Deny- deny the change request and keep original prescription
- Forward– allows a staff member to forward the prescription request to another qualified prescriber in his or her practice
- Modify suggested – should be used to modify the medication alternative suggested by pharmacy. Once clicked, a field appears above this field to allow selection of suggested alternative.
- Choose a new drug – should be used in case a new drug needs to be chosen from the medication database that exists in the system. Once clicked, a field appears above this field to allow selection of new drug.
- Cancel – deny the change request and cancel the original prescription
- On right hand upper corner, ‘Renewal Request’ text changes to ‘Prescription Change Request’.

- Last Updated:
- December 20, 2024