The following workflow will instruct you on how to send medications to split pharmacies.
This workflow applies to the following user roles:
- Provider (=Prescriber)
- Provider Agent (=Proxy Agent/Nurse Practitioner)
Start Prescription in CalMHSA Rx
- Navigate to CalMHSA Rx.
- Ensure the following details are correct:
- Correct Location (Program)
- Correct Client (Patient)
- Height and Weight vitals pulled from SmartCare (converted to metric units)
- Click Create New Rx.

- In the Search bar, type the medication name and click to select it.

- Select the appropriate route and dose from the list.
- Note: CalMHSA recommends you do not use the free text field, if possible. When this field is used the drug interactions/alerts will not be generated.

- For this example, the medication Oraped 30 disintegrating tablet will be prescribed into two sigs for tapering purposes.
- In the Pharmacy section, click Split.

- In the pharmacy 2 field, click the dropdown arrow to select the second pharmacy.
- Update the sig information for Pharmacy #1 field to accurately reflect what should be sent to Pharmacy 1.
- Update the sig information for Pharmacy #2 field to accurately reflect what should be sent to Pharmacy 2.
- Click Review.

- Acknowledge any alerts.

The prescription will be split and will be ready to be send to the two different pharmacies. Please follow the appropriate workflow depending on your role. For more details please CLICK HERE.

- Last Updated: February 19, 2025