How to Document Quick Notes During a Shift

 Quick Notes allow you to track notes within the Whiteboard. These can be viewed by staff that have access to Quick Notes. These are not billable and not considered a service.

Note: SmartCare calls these Shift Notes but will be used by agencies as Quick Notes. For information on shift notes see How to Document an End of Shift Summary section.

  1. Quick Notes are accessible through the Whiteboard.
    1. See How to Display the Whiteboard List Page section for directions on how to navigate to the Whiteboard.
  2. Locate the Quick Notes column.
    1. Columns will appear in different areas based on view. See How to Change the Whiteboard View for details.
  3. Any rows that have a client, the Quick Notes column will display Add/Edit options or a View options if the Whiteboard is filtered by a past date.
  4. Click the Add/Edit option to add a note, pop-up window
  1. In the Notes field, type your Quick Note.
  2. Click Insert, note will be added to the list.
    1. Insert button is inactive for past dates.
  3. Click the Close button.
  1. To view a Quick Note, click the Add/Edit or View hyperlink. A pop-up window will appear.
    1. View appears if filtering for a past date.
  1. The note can be read within the list, Notes Description column, or radio button can be selected.
    1. Note will display in the Notes field. If changes are needed make needed changes and click Modify.
  2. To delete a note, click the ‘X’ next to the note.