How to Document a No-Show Appointment

Step by step video guide here:

To document a No-Show Appointment, follow the steps below:

1. From your SmartCare home page, locate the Appointments for Today widget. Click the appointment time to the right of the patient you need to cancel.
2. The Progress Note screen will open, click the drop-down menu in the Status field and select No Show.
3. Click Save to cancel the appointment. Click the X to close.


How to Document Additional Information for a Scheduled Appointment that Results in a No-Show

Sometimes you review the client’s chart, discuss the case with your treatment team, or otherwise prepare for an upcoming service. Sometimes, when the client doesn’t show, you take the time to do something else related to the client’s case. Sometimes, you drive out to meet the client and the client isn’t present at the appointed meeting place. Regardless, you need to mark the scheduled appointment as a no-show.

CalMHSA is working to add a method of entering informational notes directly attached to the no-show or cancelled service. This is currently in development.

If you provide a billable service during the time you would have spent with the client, you would need to mark the scheduled appointment as a no-show and create a new, unscheduled service to document the service you ended up providing. Talk to your supervisor if you have questions about whether the tasks you provided were billable or simply informational.