How to Document a MAT Medication Claim

To document a MAT service, document this like any other service. To document the medication component of MAT, follow these steps:

  1. With the client open, click the search icon.
  2. Type “New Service” in the search bar.
  3. Select “New Service Note” from the search results.   
  4. This takes you to the Service Note screen. The status will be automatically marked as show. Enter the Program, the Procedure associated with the NCD, the Location, and the Mode of Delivery.
  5. Enter the Start Date and Time. The Start Date will automatically populate with today’s date.
  6. In the Face to Face Time field, enter 1.  MAT billing will not work if you enter a different number.
  7. Click Save. You don’t need to sign, since a note is not required.
  8. If you provided more than 1 tablet, or if you provided more than 1 NDC, you’ll have to enter a new service for each. You can easily duplicate this service to quickly enter all the services you need. Click on the Copy Service icon.
  9. This duplicates the note you were just in. The start time will automatically populate to the current time, which is how you can tell the service has been duplicated. Make any changes and click Save. Repeat this step until you’ve accounted for each tablet for each NDC provided.