How to Create an Organizational Client (Pseudo Client)

In order to track certain activities that require a document, you will need to create a pseudo-client, known as an Organizational Client in SmartCare. This will allow you to track specific activities, such as MHSA Prevention and Early Intervention activities, that should be tracked to a program and includes specific activity documentation, such as a PEI activity summary. To create an organizational client, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Client Search icon.
  2. Select “< Client Search >”.
  1. This will open the Client Search window. Select the “Organization” radio button.
  1. This will change the Client Search fields. Enter the name of the pseudo-client you want to create. Click on “Broad Search” to search by name.
  2. Enter the EIN. This should be all 9s, as this isn’t really an organization. Click on “EIN Search” to search by EIN.
  3. Enter a date of birth. This should be something not expected to be used by real clients, such as “1/1/1900”. Click on “DOB Search” to search by this date of birth.
  4. Searching by these three options will allow you to click on “Create New Potential Client”.
  1. This will bring up a popup confirmation window. Click “Yes”.
  1. You have now created a new organizational client.

Open Your Organizational Client to Programs that Require Tracking

  1. With the organizational client open, click on the Search icon.
  2. Type in “Client Programs” in the search bar.
  3. Select “Client Programs (Client)” from the search results.
  1. This brings you to the Client Programs list page. Click the New icon to enroll the organizational client to the appropriate program.
  1. This takes you to the Program Assignment Details screen. Select the program in the Program Name field.
  2. Select “Enrolled” in the Current Status field.
  3. Enter the Enrolled Date.
  4. Click Save and close. The client is now enrolled in the program. Repeat steps 4-8 to enroll the organizational client in all programs that require this type of tracking.