How to Configure a Landing Page Message in SmartCare

SmartCare has functionality to pull up a message that all staff are required to view and/or acknowledge before moving further into the system. The message will trigger:

  • Staff logs in
  • Staff selects CDAG (if multiple)
  • Landing Page message appears
Note: Landing Page messages can be configured to:
  • Show only for specific dates/times
  • Show once and then never again as long as the staff clicks ‘Acknowledge’
To configure the landing page, follow the steps below: 
  1. Click the Search icon.
  2. Type Landing in the search bar.
  3. Click to select Landing Page Messages (Administration). 
  1. The Landing Page Messages List Page will open. Click the New icon.
  1. Type a Message name in the corresponding field. This will not appear on the landing page.
  2. Enter a corresponding Start Time and Date. Enter the corresponding End Date and Time. Although, this is not required, it is recommended to control display settings.
  3. Click the Show only For Staff checkbox.
    • Show only In Patient Portal is not used at this time. 
  4. Leave the Turn Off Acknowledge check box unchecked if you want the staff to acknowledge the message and it will no longer appear for them.
    • If you want the message to continue to appear without acknowledgement, check this box.  
  5. Enter the Message in the Description section
  6. Click Save