How to Complete Intake Documents Done in SmartCare

Documents, which are associated with flags (which are associated with protocols) are typically associated with a due date and sometimes are recurring. To complete the document, and the flag, follow the steps below.

  1. You must first have the client open, then click the Search icon.
    1. For directions opening a client see General Client Search section.
  2. Click on the Search icon.
  3. Type Client Tracking.
  4. Select Client Tracking (Client).   
  1. The list page will show you all flags associated with a protocol including the due dates.
    1. Reference Utilizing List Pages section to ensure your filters are displaying the correct information.
  2. Associated documents will display in the Link To column.
  3. Click the document link to open the document.
  4. If you were listed as an assigned staff and you are within the window to complete the document, the flag will automatically complete.
  5. If you are not an assigned staff, click on the checkbox.
  6.  You will see a pop-up window. Enter your initials,  add comments if needed and Click Save.
  1.  Step 8 and 9-10 will add a Complete Date and Completed By with the current date and your name.
    1. The flag may no longer be visible on the list page once it’s complete due to the filter settings.