How to Complete a Medication Reconciliation

The Medication Reconciliation List Page allows for you to record if a patient is taking a medication and record adherence. This can be used for Inpatient/CSU and Outpatient settings.  This will pull Rx Module medications only. Anyone who has access to the Rx module will be able to view all client medications, It will only pull in medications that are active and/or have End Date that is 90 days.   

Limitations: The information is only stored once. If a user overrides the medication reconciliation, then historical information is not stored.  

Permissions: The following roles will be allowed to add/edit: 

  • Medication Rx 
  • Prescriber 
  • Add Medication Prescribed Elsewhere 
  • Add Pharmacies to Rx 
  • Allergies and Flowsheet 
  • Prescriber Medical IP/CSU/Res 
  • Nurse Medical IP/CSU/Res 
  • Medical Supervisor 
  • County Affiliate Sys Admin 
  • CalMHSA Sys Admin 
  • Medical Records/Quality Assurance 
  • SUD Add-On 

To begin follow the steps below: 

  1. Click the Search icon, with the Client Open. 
  2. Type Medication Rec into the Search bar. 
  3. Click to select Client Medication Reconciliation List Page (Client)
  1. The Mediation Reconciliation List Page will open. The mediations from the Rx Module will be pulled into the list page automatically.
      1. The first time that the medication reconciliation page is opened by an end user, the “Last Reconciled Date”, will generate as the current date. The “Reconciled By” will be N/A until a user inputs data
  1. Click the Mediation hyperlinked name.
  1. In the Medication Reconciliation Questions section, click the Actively Taking Medication radio button for Yes, No or Unkown (this is a required field). Enter the date last taken if known and add any necessary comments.
  2. Click Save. 

The List Page will now display the information.