How to Change the Automatic Billing Code from Acute to Administrative (or Vice Versa)

  1. Click the Search icon.
  2. Type ‘Bedboard’ into the search bar. (Or, ‘Residential’.)
  3. Click to select Bedboard (My Office). [Or, Residential (My Office)].
  1. If desired, filter the list to determine the records that are shown.
  2. Find the client whose code you want to change.
  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Status column of the client you want to edit and select Billing Code Change. The Billing Code Change window opens.
  1. Complete the required and necessary fields in the window. Be sure to select the appropriate Billing Procedure from the dropdown. Administrative codes are listed with ‘Admin’ in the name.
  2. Click Modify. The client’s status has been updated on a new line to Billing Code Changed.