How to Bypass the Overnight Process: Set Charges to Ready to Bill

Step by step video guide here:

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type Charges in the search box.
  3. Click on Charges/Claims (My Office)
  4. From the Charges/Claims screen, on the second drop-down menu from the left select All Charges
  5. Select a DOS From and To dates.
  6. Click the checkbox for Show charges with balance
  7. Select any other filters that you need to get the appropriate Click Apply Filter.
    1. FYI: You can also search services by Payers, Plans, and Financial Assignment
  8. Click Select All.
    1. Click the check box to select the appropriate charges.
  9. Click the Action drop down menu.
  10. Click on Mark Ready to Bill.
  11. Click OK.