For Order Types “Labs, Additional, Safety Check, Adaptive Equipment”, you may need to enter in a Diagnosis. For this to be enabled, the “Diagnosis Required” option must be set for that Client Order in the Order Setup (Administration) screen by a System Administrator. The purpose of this is to indicate a Diagnosis must be present for this Order. These steps cover how to select the diagnosis when creating or modifying a Client Order. For more information on How to Create a Client Order, see [Include link to documentation]. This feature can be utilized by Nursing, Prescribers, and Clinical Support.
- Click on the Search icon with the client open.
- Type Client Orders in the search bar.
- Select Client Orders (Client) from the search results.

- This will bring up the Client Orders (Client) list page. Use the filters as needed.

- Click the New button in the top right.

- The Client Order Selection window will pop up. Check the box for the order you are attempting to modify. If this is a new order skip this step.
- Click OK.

- The CDAG Program Enrollment window will pop up. Select the correct Program Enrollment from the available options.
- Click OK.

- Click the radio button for the order you want to add or modify the diagnosis.
- Add or Edit the Diagnosis.
- Click Modify.
- Click Sign.

How to Add a Diagnosis to a New Order
- Follow the same steps above 1-9. Search for Order.
- Add the Diagnosis.
- Click Insert.
- Click Sign.