- Click the Search icon.
- Type “Global Codes” in the Search Bar.
- Select “Global Codes (Administration)” from the search results.
- This takes you to the Global Code List page. Since this is a list page, you can use the filters at the top of the page to search for what you’re looking for. Search results will show below.
- If you know the name of the Global Code, select it from the Categories filter and click Apply Filter.
- Click on the link the Category column.
- Click on the link the Category column.
- If you don’t know the name of the Global Code a field is using, take note of the options in the field.
- Select one that you feel would be a good search option.
- Navigate to the Global Code list page. Make sure the Categories field shows All Categories and type in the code in the Code Name filter field and click Apply Filter.
- The search results will show you the codes that match your search results.
- The search results will also show you the category where this code is used. You may need to pick a more specifically worded option to narrow the results.
- You can also click on options that seem accurate to confirm this is the code you’re looking for. Once you know which category you’re looking for, click on the link in the Category column.
- Select one that you feel would be a good search option.
- This will take you to the Global Code Details page.
- If this is a Primary Driven Record, it will show this label at the top of the page.
- The top half of the screen will provide you with some information on what your permissions are related to this global code.
- The middle of the screen will show you the details of the code you currently have selected. To deselect a code, click the Clear button.
- The bottom of the screen shows the list of all values (all codes) that are currently part of this global code. The “Show Active Codes Only” checkbox is automatically selected. You can uncheck this to view inactive codes in the list.