Event Series Inpatient/CSU/Residential Office Hours

Inpatient / CSU / Residential Meeting

Starting January 29, 2024, from 10 am – 11 am Ending Feb. 26, 2024. Delphine will be leading this meeting. User Group where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss workflows/thoughts with each other for discussion. Please send all questions to EHR@CalMHSA.org. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlceCurDgrGNXsiWd6rrEAsmKUIqoeWaDi

Event Series Outpatient Medical Meeting

Outpatient Medical Meeting

Monday’s starting January 22, 2024, from 10 am – 11 am. End Date Feb 26, 2024. Delphine will be leading the meeting on Outpatient Medical. This is a meeting where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMuf-qrqD4qHt2P2wHZUrxgU0rUtT9EJ4n0

Event Series Inpatient/CSU/Residential Office Hours

Inpatient / CSU / Residential Meeting

Starting January 29, 2024, from 10 am – 11 am Ending Feb. 26, 2024. Delphine will be leading this meeting. User Group where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss workflows/thoughts with each other for discussion. Please send all questions to EHR@CalMHSA.org. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlceCurDgrGNXsiWd6rrEAsmKUIqoeWaDi

Event Series Inpatient/CSU/Residential Office Hours

Inpatient / CSU / Residential Meeting

Starting January 29, 2024, from 10 am – 11 am Ending Feb. 26, 2024. Delphine will be leading this meeting. User Group where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss workflows/thoughts with each other for discussion. Please send all questions to EHR@CalMHSA.org. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlceCurDgrGNXsiWd6rrEAsmKUIqoeWaDi

CalMHSA Connex Webinar

Registration Link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QR2kStOsSQKiqmvwC5g9Pw#/registration As discussed during our cohort meetings, the CalMHSA Interoperability team will be hosting a webinar on April 17th to discuss data exchange partner onboarding (HIE or otherwise). The webinar will be a high-level discussion to review and provide guidance to counties with engaging and onboarding to HIEs/QHIOs and other data exchange partners. During […]