Event Series Inpatient/CSU/Residential Office Hours

Inpatient / CSU / Residential Meeting

Starting January 29, 2024, from 10 am – 11 am Ending Feb. 26, 2024. Delphine will be leading this meeting. User Group where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss workflows/thoughts with each other for discussion. Please send all questions to [email protected]. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlceCurDgrGNXsiWd6rrEAsmKUIqoeWaDi

CalMHSA Connex Webinar

Registration Link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QR2kStOsSQKiqmvwC5g9Pw#/registration As discussed during our cohort meetings, the CalMHSA Interoperability team will be hosting a webinar on April 17th to discuss data exchange partner onboarding (HIE or otherwise). The webinar will be a high-level discussion to review and provide guidance to counties with engaging and onboarding to HIEs/QHIOs and other data exchange partners. During […]

Training: Coordinated Care Consent Updates

Agenda: In this training, we will review CalMHSA's changes to the Coordinated Care Consent and provide training on how to utilize the new functionality. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudeuoqDgiHNQhFLvLGmGhtRkiCoKOjf3w

County Shared Decision Making Meeting: Reviewer Process

Agenda: In this meeting, we will review CalMHSA's scenarios regarding the Reviewer Process. This is the process in which documents must first be reviewed by a supervisor before being marked complete in the system. This includes the Resident/Attending process. Counties are expected to read this list prior to the meeting and come with suggestions of […]

County Shared Decision Making Meeting: Tracking Grievance and Appeals

Agenda: In this meeting, we will review the option of tracking grievances and appeals in SmartCare. CalMHSA does not currently recommend tracking Incident Reports in SmartCare, since these often include multiple clients and may include staff disciplinary actions. However, grievances and appeals are specific to a single client and the client may access information related […]

Webinar: CARE Act Implementation Updates

Agenda:In this webinar, we will provide an update to CalMHSA's development work on the CARE Act. We will have representatives from HMA as special guests. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvd-mrqDsrH9R-LQP1XC4iwpNqkqhzLbZE

County Shared Decision Making Meeting: Patient Portal Permissions

Agenda: In this meeting, we will review CalMHSA's suggested permissions for Patient Portal Users. These users are clients or client contacts that will access SmartCare through the Patient Portal. This shared decision-making meeting is to address any permissions that we may have missed, or you feel should not be granted to these users. This is […]