Webinar: CARE Act Implementation Updates

Agenda:In this webinar, we will provide an update to CalMHSA's development work on the CARE Act. We will have representatives from HMA as special guests. Registration link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvd-mrqDsrH9R-LQP1XC4iwpNqkqhzLbZE

County Shared Decision Making Meeting: Patient Portal Permissions

Agenda: In this meeting, we will review CalMHSA's suggested permissions for Patient Portal Users. These users are clients or client contacts that will access SmartCare through the Patient Portal. This shared decision-making meeting is to address any permissions that we may have missed, or you feel should not be granted to these users. This is […]

County Shared Decision Making Meeting: CSU billing process

Meeting Description: CalMHSA will be presenting a change to the CSU billing process. Currently, the process for claiming for crisis stabilization is to create a service for the amount being claimed. If the current length of the stay is needed, this can be found using the program enrollment and discharge information. We have heard from […]

SysAdmin Training

Agenda: Discuss SysAdmin Topics. Agenda will be provided via email to registered attendees in advance of the meeting. Registration Link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcOmhqzwuGtHQ49Uyl51kPi5yX4zc3h80