Outpatient Medical Meeting

Delphine will be leading the meeting on Outpatient Medical. This is a meeting where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss workflows/thoughts with each other for discussion. Any questions should be sent to [email protected]. Zoom meeting link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcucuupqTwtG9FDjRp0jXDbGHU1ZcIFu44b

Event Series Sysadmin Webinar

Sysadmin Webinar (CANCELLED)

As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The audience for these presentations is intended to be only County staff responsible for the management and support of the SmartCare EHR. The intent is to […]

Inpatient Medical Meeting

Delphine will be leading the meeting on Inpatient Medical. This is a meeting where CalMHSA will bring updates, changes, questions, and a place for Counties to discuss workflows/thoughts with each other for discussion. Any questions should be sent to [email protected] Zoom meeting link: https://calmhsa-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwuc-qsrToiEtFqGOZP7ejyzPzjDLZZLZHf

Event Series Sysadmin Webinar

Sysadmin Webinar (CANCELLED)

As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The audience for these presentations is intended to be only County staff responsible for the management and support of the SmartCare EHR. The intent is to […]

Event Series Sysadmin Webinar

Sysadmin Webinar (CANCELLED)

As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The audience for these presentations is intended to be only County staff responsible for the management and support of the SmartCare EHR. The intent is to […]