Mobile Crisis Implementation County Feedback Session

We will be presenting the draft version of the Mobile Crisis workflow and documents. Please be ready to provide feedback on workflow elements and documents. CalMHSA is not building a 1:1 of the DHCS forms into SmartCare, but all required aspects will be present. If you have already implemented Mobile Crisis, please attend to give […]

Prescriber Office Hours

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Event Series Sysadmin Webinar

Sysadmin Webinar

As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The audience for these presentations is intended to be only County staff responsible for the management and support of the SmartCare EHR. The intent is to […]

Event Series Sysadmin Webinar

Canceled Sysadmin Webinar

As a means to provide County EHR/Application Managers with more information on the SmartCare tools through which the application is configured, CalMHSA will be providing a series of presentations. The audience for these presentations is intended to be only County staff responsible for the management and support of the SmartCare EHR. The intent is to […]