Options (Field Definitions)

Order Setup Screen:What is the purpose?Responsible
Order can be completed Appears in Order Type: ALL but Safety Check If Yes is selected, this will allow the nurse / prescriber to go back into the client order and mark as "completed" the same way an order can be discontinued. This will take the order OFF the MAR once it is marked as completed instead of remaining there. Majority of orders WILL want to have this selected Yes. This is great for One Time Use Meds. You will want to have this on most of your Medication Orders so you have the option to go into your order and mark complete as needed. County / CalMHSA
Order can be pended Appears in Order Type: ALL but Activity This will move the order to orders / standing screen after signing. This must be paired with the release order options within the acknowledgement section. This order will not be active until the end user selects the checkbox next to the order in the orders / standing screen and click on the release orders icon in the upper right corner. Use case : for medications / labs, you want to prescribe Lithium but want to wait until you receive the levels back from the lab in order to release that order to be administered. County / CalMHSA
Order rationaleAppears in Order Type: ALL but Activity Order Rationale requires the clinician to select a reason as to why you are placing this order. Typically a diagnosis or problem. This option connects to global code xOrderRationale. If this is selected and has meaningful values entered within the global code then those values will appear within the client order screen. See Global Code Section. When yes is selected, it will require this to be filled out before signing. County / CalMHSA
Order CommentsAppears in Order Type: ALL but Activity This is an optional field for the end users. This is a comment box that will appear for the user to document any additional info. they see valuable. If you want this to be required and have a statement or question added to it, you can do so in the questions section County / CalMHSA
Diagnosis RequiredAppears in Order Type: Labs, Additional, Safety Check, Adaptive Equipment. If you want to require a diagnosis to justify why they are placing this order, you can do so here. If selected, the end user cannot sign the order until this is filled out. County / CalMHSA
Dual Sign RequiredAppears in Order Type: Medications Means that a second person will be required to sign a document at time of administration on the order. Use case, controlled substance. Will sign in the MARCounty / CalMHSA
Self AdministeredAppears in Order Type: Medication. This provides oppurtunity to label this medication as self administered, appears as a check box option within client order screen. Let's staff know that the patient can give themselves this type of medication. Will still appear on the MAR if you are choosing to Add to MAR in options. County / CalMHSA
Consent RequiredAppears in Order Type: Medication This serves the same function as the consent within RX. Allows your mredical staff to access the consent and have client sign consent. This will appear as a flag on MAR if consent has not been signed by staff or client, and a green check mark will appear if consent has been signed.County / CalMHSA
Pain Level Required?Appears in Order Type: Medication Will appear on client orders as an additional field asking the staff to fill out the pain level the patient is experiencing. This will also appear at the time of administration on the MAR. County / CalMHSA
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)CalMHSA Organization is not using this. This is for the MAT module, as of 2/8/24 this module is not yet available to any streamline customers. Will require an additional contract for future functionality after this is developed. County / CalMHSA
Machine Connection RequiredCalMHSA Organization is not using this. This is for the MAT module, as of 2/8/24 this module is not yet available to any streamline customers. Will require an additional contract for future functionality after this is developed. County / CalMHSA
Take Home AllowedCalMHSA Organization is not using this. This is for the MAT module, as of 2/8/24 this module is not yet available to any streamline customers. Will require an additional contract for future functionality after this is developed. County / CalMHSA
Multiple Admins Allowed Within HourAppears in Order Type: Medication This allows you to have multiple administrations within 1 hour. Example Insulin. This will allow you to administer this medication more then once in one hour in the MARCounty / CalMHSA
Titration / Taper?Appears in Order Type: Medication If marked as yes, on the client order screen, this will prompt them with a new field that says "Titration/ Taper?". If this is selected, this will allow them to allow the medication order data to insert in the grid, but remain details in the details section with start date. This is so they don't have to re-enter order multiple times if they're needing to prescribe titration / taper and to adjust the medication tablets / strengths / frequency etc. County / CalMHSA
Whiteboard ObservationsAppears in Order Type: ALL but Activity & Safety Check will appear on the whiteboard screen under the column observations. Allows staff to easily see the order that was placed by hovering over the icon in this column. County / CalMHSA
Whiteboard LegalAppears in Order Type: Adaptive Equipment, Additional if checked yes, this will show the legal status of this client on the whiteboard screen in the legal status column. The status that shows is the status that is selected in the order. County / CalMHSA
Whiteboard LevelAppears in Order Type: Adaptive Equipment, Additional Similiar to Whiteboard Legal, this will show the risk level instead of Legal Status. If yes is selected. County / CalMHSA
BillableAppears in Order Type: ALL This will create a bill for this order. This will require a procedure code to be selected. CalMHSA Counties do not bill for orders. No CalMHSA county has this selected at this time 2/7/24. A use case we might use this is if an external lab is completing a blood draw and a bill needs to be generated seperately outside of normal bed days. County / CalMHSA
Add Order to MARAppears in Order Type: Adaptive Equipment, Procedures, Additional, Nursing, Consults, Radiology, Labs, Medication. Adds Order to MAR. Used for Nursing orders or any orders nurses need to be administering, checking on the MARCounty / CalMHSA
Prescription RequiredAppears in Order Type: Adaptive Equipment, Procedures, Additional, Nursing, Consults, Radiology, Labs, Medication. This is typically for equipment, if they need adaptive equipment and need a prescription for this, this will allow the order to be printed as prescription and taken to the adaptive equipment facility for this order to be filled. County / CalMHSA
Permissioned?Appears in Order Type: ALL This will add this order to the roles / permission screen. From there, only selected roles will be permissioned to place this order. This goes hand in hand with the option sensitive order right below this. Although it does not HAVE to be a sensitive order to be selected as a permissioned order. County / CalMHSA
Sensitive OrderAppears in Order Type: Safety, Additional. This will flag this as a sensitive order but has no logic outside of description and flag for staffs awareness. If staff wanted to permission this or have logic tied to order, "permissioned" option must be selected as yes. County / CalMHSA
Quick OrderAppears in Order type: ALL but Medications. If marked yes, this will add the order to the quick orders screen. Must be selected as yes for labs and for external labs.Should not be selected for safety check. Not all options selected on order setup will appear for safety check in quick orders. Quick Orders is not meant for detailed orders. County / CalMHSA
Medications Category Appear in Order type: Additional, Medication, Labs, Radiology, Consults, Nursing, Procedures, Adaptive Equipment. This is a global code category, the use case if for medication orders that if it's a hazardous medication or substance, it'll add a hazard icon to the MAR. You can set up global codes for medication category to display information, icons on the MAR. County / CalMHSA
Display Program?Appears in Order type: ALL. This is automatically checked for all order types to ensure we are following CDAG. This causes the "Program" box to pop up and ensure that a program is tied to the order. If CDAG if ever not working for client orders, this is the first thing that needs to be checked. County / CalMHSA
Question 1This is the question or statement you are wanting your staff to acknowledge or answer within Client Orders / MAR. The answer format is dependent on what is selected in the fields to the right of this question box under Answer Type. You can add multiple "questions" on a order.County / CalMHSA
Answer Type
Add FlowsheetThis connects to a subtemplate that's been created within Flow Sheets. Filling out these sub templates does NOT push it to the Flow Sheets screen, it'll only live in the Client Orders and MAR (Depending on what's selected at the field Show Question at the time of) You will ONLY see sub templates, not a FULL template within FlowsheetsCounty / CalMHSA
Radio Button With Radio Button, Drop Down and Checkbox, you can select any global codes within the system. Any Global Codes that appear here will show the answers that are present in that Global Code. (Use Case: Birth Control will show the list of birth control options that are in the global code drop down menu) Radio Button will drive the answers to be selected in a Radio Button format.You can only select ONE option with Radio Button. County / CalMHSA
Check BoxWith Radio Button, Drop Down and Checkbox, you can select any global codes within the system. Any Global Codes that appear here will show the answers that are present in that Global Code. (Use Case: Birth Control will show the list of birth control options that are in the global code drop down menu) This will appear in a check box format. You can select MULTIPLE options with Check Box. County / CalMHSA
Text BoxDoes not require additional values to be filled out. Will be a small text box with one single line. No character limitation BUT it will make it hard to see if you are using this for a paragraph. This is for short answer questions. County / CalMHSA
Drop DownWith Radio Button, Drop Down and Checkbox, you can select any global codes within the system. Any Global Codes that appear here will show the answers that are present in that Global Code. (Use Case: Birth Control will show the list of birth control options that are in the global code drop down menu) Drop Down will drive the answers to be selected in a drop down format. You can only select ONE option with Drop Down.County / CalMHSA
Multi Line Tex BoxDoes not require additional values to be filled out. This is a large text box, this will be great for paragraphs and longer responses that may be needed. No Character Limitation. County / CalMHSA
DateYou will see the Date County / CalMHSA
Date & TimeDoes not require additional values to be filled outCounty / CalMHSA
Global Code CategoryThis will allow you to select Global Code Categories dependent on what you select your answer type as. Flowsheets will cause sub templates to appear in this box. Radio Button, Check box, and Drop Down will allow you to select ANY global code. All other Answer Types will not connect to global codes. County / CalMHSA
Laboratories This is only used for Lab interfaces. If we want this question to appear to the external lab, selecting a lab here would allow the Lab to see the question on the order we send. This should autopopulate if lab vendor requires a set of questionsLab Vendor Interface
Question CodeThis is due to lab corpendium and adds the question code. Order ID will populate here to identify the question the Lab Vendor is requiringLab Vendor Interface
Show Question at the time ofDefaults to Ordering. If you select Administration this will appear in the MAR, if you select Order it will appear when placing a client order, if you select both, it'll appear in both places. County / CalMHSA
RequiredThis will hard stop the end user to fill this out for either the MAR or Client Orders, depending on what is selected at the "show question at the time of' County / CalMHSA
RoleThis allows you to select a role to complete an action such as acknowledge, acknowledgement required, pending release, signature required etc. The roles that display here are what has been setup in staff / users under roles / permissions. County / CalMHSA
AcknowledgeYou are wanting a role to view an order but it is not required before the order moves to MAR. It will still be an active order while it is in the Orders / Rounding screen. County / CalMHSA
Acknowledgement RequiredThe order will move the orders / rounding screen. It will not be marked as active upon signing. This will not move to the MAR until the order has been acknowledged by the selecting role. County / CalMHSA
All Acknowledgements RequiredIf this checkbox is selected, it will require all staff to follow the actions they were assigned under the acknowledgment section. In most situations, you will want to this checkbox selected. If not selected and you have two roles you have selected to acknowledge this order, only one of the two roles you have selected will need to sign this before moving off of the orders / rounding screen. County / CalMHSA
Pending ReleaseThis will allow the order to be pended, typically labs. The pending release option causes the order to move to orders / rounding screen and the role selected will have to click "release" orders for it to be active. An active order is an order that will appear on the MAR to be administered. An order can be selected as "pended" in the options area of the order setup screen. If Pend Order is NOT selected in Options section, then the Pending Release check box will have no function whether selected or not. County / CalMHSA
Signature Required This order is to allow a specific role to "Sign" an order. If a staff member is to create the order for that staff that is in the "signature" role, the staff member must be listed as a proxy. For example, a technician creates an order on behalf of the prescriber, the technician must have the permission to proxy for the prescriber and the technician must switch the author to the prescribers name. The technician can save this document but the prescriber would need to go into the client documents and sign this for it to be an active order. County / CalMHSA
Frequencies Screen
Display Name Name of Frequency, this is how it'll display in your frequency drop down in Client Orders. Frequency searches are exact so this will need to be easy for all clinicians to find. This will NOT Display in RX.CalMHSA Task
SmartCare FrequencySpecific to Client Orders Screen. Still has to be set, even if you are not using RX.CalMHSA Task
RX DefaultIf you select this, this will connect this frequency to RX. You want this selected if they are seeing external providers or using external pharmacies. You will need to make sure Map With RX Frequency option is filled out.CalMHSA Task
Map With RX FrequencyValues in this field share the same values as RX, the global codes for this filled are the same as when setting up RX. Any medications that you are adding into RX that are being added by 3rd party will go here, this is how it'll determine what dispense times are being used.CalMHSA Task
Times Per DayThis is pre set up in the global code, XOrderFrequency (See global code info) this is how many times a day you can administer / distribute this medication or order. CalMHSA Task
Dispense TimesThis determines what time the medication can be administered (this can be changed individually in client orders by person placing order on an as needed basis). This value is what will show up on the MAR. The amount of dispense times you see available is what is in Times Per Day field, which is determined by the XOrderFrequency Global Code. You can only choose hourly, if it needs to be more frequent than an hour, example 30 minute medication, (use case: insulin) then it'll have to be a streamline request, otherwise you can change this within client orders as orders are placed. CalMHSA Task
PRNDoes not have to have a set dispense time. But needs to have a frequency defined, ex: every 4 hours, if I administered at 2pm and try to adminster again at 3pm, the system will stop us. CalMHSA Task
No FrequencySaying this value is a one time activity, does not need a frequency defined or dispense time. Example for this would be an admission order.CalMHSA Task
One Time OnlyThis only allows the order to be administered one time, still needs a dispense time. Use case for this would be lab orders. CalMHSA Task
Activity CalMHSA does not have activty setup in our contract. This has no function to use. Checking this box only causes confusion. Don't UseCalMHSA Task
Configuration Keys
ShowCompleteOrdersOnPopUpWhen Clinician is placing order, pop up will appear that shows completed / modified orders. This gives them the option to look at all active / discontinued orders and to modify any active orders. CalMHSA has this set to Y so all clinicians receive this pop up CalMHSA Task
CompleteOrdersToRXThis only pertains to organizations that will be prescribing out of surescripts [any external pharmacy], [CalMHSA does use this for discharge medications, this will allow any active orders at discharge, from clients orders, to transfer over to RX ]CalMHSA Task
BillingDiagnosisStartDatevalue needs to say 10/01/2020, will not be able to sign order if value is NULLCalMHSA Task
Global Codes
XOrder FrequencyThis global code is where you will add a Order Frequency. This will display in RX and Client Orders. External Code 1 is a required field, this determines how many times a day this order will be administered / completed. CalMHSA Task
XOrderRationaleThis connects to client orders. Any value entered here will appear in the client orders screen when the "order rationale" option is selected within Order Setup. Values entered here will appear for all Order rationales regardless of order type. CalMHSA Task