The Electronic Prescription List page will show all the prescriptions ordered using the Smartcare Rx Management System. Filters can be set to view non-controlled or controlled substances, the type of order such as new or discontinued, the clinician that ordered it, and whether the pharmacy confirmed receiving the order. This list page is particularly useful for county system administrators and auditors looking to keep track of types of prescriptions and whether they are successful in getting to the pharmacy. This could be useful if investigating when a prescriber started having issues prescribing controlled substances or when/if Surescripts went down.
- Click on the Search icon.
- Type “Electronic Prescription List” in the search bar.
- Select “Electronic Prescription List (Administration)” from the search results.

This will bring up the Electronic Prescription List Page.

The following filter are available on this list page:
- Start Date: Choose date range of prescriptions to view.
- End Date: Choose date range of prescriptions to view.
- All Medication Types: Controlled or Non-Controlled Substances
- Pharmacy Confirmation Received: Yes, No. Some pharmacy systems can send back confirmation that pharmacy received prescription.
- Order Type: New Order, Renewed Order, Changed Order, Discontinued Order
- Prescriber: All prescribers or specific prescriber.
- Click Apply Filter once the appropriate options are selected.

- Client Id: The unique ID for client.
- Client Name: You will see clients name in this column.
- Medication: Name of the medication.
- Order Date: Date it was ordered.
- Prescriber Name: Name of the provider who prescribe the medication.
- Pharmacy: Pharmacy the prescription was sent to.
- Order Type
- Confirmation Received: If we received verification from the pharmacy, you will see it here.
- Controlled Substance: This field indicates controlled substances with a yes.
Upper Right-Hand Icons
- New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
- Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
- Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.
- Column Customization