EHR Weekly Bulletin

September 19, 2024

Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact [email protected]. 

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ASAM Level of Care Report Update

After confirming with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), CalMHSA has been working on including BQuIP results in the ASAM LOC report that is submitted to DHCS via the MoveIt portal. We expect these updates to be in QA systems this week. They will be retroactive, so the next ASAM LOC report counties submit will include past BQuIP scores.   

CalMHSA will provide counties two weeks to test the update in their QA systems and report any issues. Please provide any feedback by Oct. 3 at 5 p.m. In the absence of any reported issues, CalMHSA will deploy the update to Production on the weekend of Oct. 5-6 during the regularly scheduled deployment window. 


Contract Provider Invoicing 

A new version of the Invoice Reconciliation Tool is now available for download from the website. The latest update includes the following enhancements:

  • Duplicate Invoice Prevention: The tool now prevents the selection of duplicate invoices for reconciliation. Users will receive a warning message if they attempt to upload the same file name more than once. 
  • Open Invoice Restriction: Users will no longer be able to upload an invoice for reconciliation if it is currently open. A prompt will instruct users to close the invoice before proceeding with the upload. 

Additionally, CalMHSA has resolved an issue that caused duplicate records to appear within the reconciled invoice spreadsheet when the invoice selection method varied between File Explorer and drag-and-drop.  


TADT Reminder: Version 1 Updates Deployed, Meeting Next Week 

TADT 2024 version 1 updates were deployed to Production on Sept. 9. Next week we will discuss the updates at the County Shared Decision-Making Meeting on Sept. 25 at noon. Please be sure to register as soon as possible to ensure a robust discussion and broadest possible dissemination of these important changes. 


Legal Status Training Repeat Session To Be Held at 4 P.M. Today

A repeat of the Legal Status Training held on Sept. 13 will be held Sept. 19 from 4 to 5 p.m. Please register here to join this training on tracking involuntary hold (5150/conservatorship) workflows. 


ASAM Assessment Updates 

CalMHSA will be moving the current UCLA “ASAM Criteria Assessment Interview Guide” (3rd edition) into SmartCare so that all counties can be compliant with the Jan. 1, 2025, deadline. We will update counties when this has been added to QA systems for testing and provide a subsequent update when it has been deployed to Production environments.  

 Per BHIN 23-068, DHCS will require counties to begin using either the “ASAM Criteria Assessment Interview Guide” that UCLA created or the “ASAM CONTINUUM” software. CalMHSA’s original plans to use the UCLA ASAM Assessment were based on ASAM 3rd edition criteria; since then, the ASAM 4th edition was released at the end of 2023. CalMHSA discussed with DHCS its plans related to the updated criteria, specifically around the Jan. 1, 2025, deadline. DHCS indicated it would be working with UCLA to create an updated version of the guide to match 4th edition criteria.

With the deadline now approaching, it appears that DHCS may be further delayed in changing to the ASAM 4th edition and may not be able to provide it before Jan. 1. In light of that and to assist counties with compliance by the upcoming deadline, CalMHSA made the decision to move the 3rd edition UCLA guide into SmartCare.  


Patient Portal Updates Ready to Test

After discussion with counties about the patient portal user roles now in production environments, CalMHSA has deployed those user roles into QA environments and counties may begin testing.  


Counties May Need to Check Registration for Weekly State Reporting Meeting 

A duplicate registration link was inadvertently created for the weekly State Reporting Meeting. This issue has since been corrected. However, please check your registration meeting ID as you may need to register using the current link. 

If your registration meeting ID is 849 9259 6271, please register for the correct series at (meeting ID 878 1300 5602). 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; if you have any issues registering for the correct series, please contact [email protected].  

This Week’s Production Updates 

No notes this week. 

Upcoming Initiatives 

See the EHR Product Team’s ambitious upcoming initiatives in this list, updated weekly as products and priorities evolve — and sortable by topics like medical, clinical billing and more. 

CalMHSA EHR Initiative Report 9-19-24

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