EHR Weekly Bulletin

December 5, 2024

Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact 

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Service Authorization Request Training Dec. 6 at 10 a.m.

On Dec. 6 CalMHSA will present a training on the service authorization request and approval process. The session will include system setup, the end-user process, billing ramifications, and known issues. Register here. 


CARE Act: New Permissions, Upcoming Changes, Training Resources 

CalMHSA continues to work with Streamline on addressing all issues related to the CARE Act. A list of known issues can be found on the CARE Act Protocol page. If counties encounter additional issues, they should submit a Help Desk ticket. 

CalMHSA also continues to work with Streamline on the reporting process (extracting data from SmartCare). We expect these updates to deploy to QA environments soon and will keep counties abreast of those changes.  


Counties will find new permissions granted to the CARE Act Add-On user role. Any user with this role should be able to find the necessary documents and screens. Additionally, permissions to scanned documents have been removed from other user roles and granted only to CARE Act Add-On and sys admin user roles (CalMHSA and county affiliate sys admins). 

Changes coming Dec. 9 

New hearing-specific procedure codes have been delayed due to an issue with deployment to QA but will be implemented by Streamline in production environments by Dec. 9, at which point the procedures and progress notes will be available. Counties can also use the “CARE Act – Hearing Time” generic procedure code to capture this type of activity.

The new “CARE Act Narrative Note” was also delayed due to an issue with deployment to QA but will be available in production environments by Dec. 9. As part of this update, CalMHSA will change the note type associated with CARE Act activity procedure codes to ensure that only users with the CARE Act Add-On role will have permissions to view these notes.  

Training resources 

During the county training on Nov. 8, counties requested a walk-through training for end-users. To accommodate counties’ need for this information to train their end users, we have included a recording of the Nov. 8 training  (passcode: WlbS9fd@). The documents themselves are also available in the CARE Act Data Dictionary. 

Please note that CalMHSA provides step-by-step instructions on its Knowledge Base and makes video walkthroughs as resources allow. With DHCS looking to make changes to the CARE Act reporting requirements for SB 1400, we expect that changes will be needed sooner rather than later. We believe that updated screenshots and written instructions in the Knowledge Base will be most efficient and expedient for counties as these changes occur. If your teams have questions about requirements or any of the updates, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 

Updates to Medication RX, Client Orders 

The following order template and medication schedule frequencies have been added for Medication Rx and Client Orders:

  • Two times (2x) a week 
  • Three times (3x) a week 
  • Four times (4x) a week 

Please note that Client Orders defaults to a dispense time of 9 a.m. Providers will be prompted to select the day(s) of the week. Additionally, Streamline did not build these frequencies to work with PRN as well as different dispense times on different days; to accommodate for those scenarios, counties will need to include separate orders. 


Cumulative Observation Report Now in Production 

Counties will find a cumulative observation report in the production environment. This report is intended to aid medical/clinical teams that are recording and tracking seclusion and restraints, safety and observation orders, and their associated flowsheet data. The report centralizes those different data elements into a single repository. Instructions can be found here. 


Slide Deck for Denial of Rights/Observations Training Now Available 

CalMHSA’s training presentation on Denial of Rights, Observations, Safety and S&R Orders/Checks/Flowsheets (presented Nov. 20 and 25) is available here (passcode: .69be!kr) for download. These functions are primarily used by inpatient, CSU and residential units. The presentation covers workflows for prescribers, nurses, unit staff and administrators, and includes information for Shift Rounding Report and Cumulative Observations Report. These medical/clinical reports are useful because they compile data across individuals within unit(s). The Denial of Rights Report, which can be used to support the DHCS-1804 State Report, is pending final testing, with expected release at the end of December.  


Upcoming Initiatives 

New functionality in the EHR – and what you need to know about it – is available here. 

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