Client Programs (Client) List Page

The Client Programs list page will show you the list of programs a client has been enrolled in, discharged from, requested to be enrolled in, or not discharged from. This screen is used to enroll, discharge, or request enrollment into a program. This page is useful for clinicians and anyone that works with clients and the various treatment programs.

  1. Click on the Search icon with the client open.
  2. Type “Client Programs” in the search bar.
  3. Select “Client Programs (Client)” from the search results.
  1. This will bring up the Client Programs (Client) list page.


The following filters are available on this List Page: 

    1. All Programs: Choose to see all programs client is or has been part of, or filter by just one program.
    2. All Statuses: Filter by Enrolled, Discharged, Requested, Not Discharged.
    3. Other: Not used. 
    4. Click Apply Filter once the appropriate options are selected. 


    1. Program Name: Name of each program the client has been enrolled in. 
    2. Status:  Let you know the status of the enrollment; Enrolled, Discharged, Requested, Not Discharged. Hyperlink takes you to the Program Details screen. 
    3. Enrolled: The enrolled date
    4. Discharged: The discharged date if applicable. 
    5. Assigned Staff: Staff assigned within that program. 
    6. Primary: Primary shows whether the client is on the Staff’s primary caseload or not.
    7. Last DOS: Last date of service. Hyperlink takes you to the Progress Note
    8. Next DOS: Next date of service if available. 

Upper Right-Hand Icons

    1. SmartView: This icon is an overview of the patient’s medical profile. You can quickly view the patients’ vitals, medications, documents that need to be done, and much more.
    2. New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
    3. Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
    4. Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.
    5. New Icon: Take you to the Program Assignment Details to assign the client to a new program. 

Exported Columns

  • Program Code
  • Status
  • Enrolled Date
  • DischargedDate
  • Clinician Name,
  • Primary Assignment,
  • Last Date Of Service,
  • Next Date Of Service