Client Flags and Tracking Protocol Overview 

Client Flags act as alerts and “to-do” items for a client. Flags can be set to show up next to a client’s name or be set to pop-up whenever the client’s chart is opened.  

The system administrator can create different types of flags in a system, and all users can associate these flags to a client’s chart. CalMHSA has created some standard flags for counties to use, but counties can create their own unique flags. 

All current flags can be seen on the list page “Flag Types (Administration)” and the details of any particular flag can be seen using the “Flag Type Details” screen.  


  • Type – The name of the flag; this is what will show when a user tries to select a flag, is viewing a flag, or when a user hovers over the flag icon 
  • Active – Whether the flag can be selected/used or not (only active flags will be useable and viewable in the system) 
  • Icon – The icon that is associated with the flag. This will be the icon that shows next to the client’s name. Uses the Font Awesome set of icons.  
  • Code – Per Streamline’s User Guide: “The value entered in this field is used as a “notice” to system software to execute logic specific to the flag type in the initialization of the document that is linked to the flag type. Enter alphanumeric characters. The combination of the “Link To” field and the “Code” field is unique for the flag type. Attempts to set up a duplicate combination for another flag type will result in a validation message.” 
  • Default Workgroup – This is the workgroup that will default when adding this flag to a client. When a workgroup is associated with a flag, all users associated with that workgroup will have this show on their “Contacts/Flags/RWQM Widget”. This widget links with the “Client Flags (My Office)” list page. 
  • Default Level – This is the level the flag will be set at by default. Select “Information” if this is just informational. Select “Urgent” if this is a patient-safety issue. Select “Warning” for other issues. CalMHSA has color-coded these options to be red for urgent and yellow for warning.  
  • Link To – If this is a flag related to completing a document, select “Document” and then enter the document you want to link this to. When that document is completed, the flag will automatically be marked as complete. Screens cannot be linked to, so for flags such as “review and complete Client Information”, select “Nothing”. If the flag is informational only, select “Nothing”. If the associated document changes depending on the program (e.g. a “state reporting” flag may be associated with a CSI document or a CalOMS document), select “Dynamic”, which will require the user to select the associated document upon creation of the flag.  
  • Permissioned Flag – Select this if you want to limit the users who can see and use this flag. If a user does not have this permission (permission type = “Flags”), then the user will not be able to add this flag to a client AND will not be able to see the flag if someone else has added it to the client.  
  • Do not display flag – Select this if you don’t want the flag to appear next to the client’s name. 
  • Never Pop Up/Always Pop Up – This determines whether the flag will popup whenever a user opens the client’s chart.  
  • Description – This allows you to provide some information about the flag itself.

Adding Flags to a Client’s Chart

When users add a flag to a client’s chart, they do so using the Client Flag Details screen. They will select the “type” to bring up the flag. Any defaults you have selected will pull forward, but users may change them. For example, the default workgroup may be “Compliance” but the user changes this to “Authorizations”.  

Users must always select a program when adding a flag to a client. This is to ensure privacy of flags per 42 CFR Part 2.  

Users will need to add a note for the flag. This is their customization of the reason for the flag and will show up next to the flag type when hovering over the flag.  

Users will need to add an open date and display date. They can also add a due date. When a flag is manually marked as completed, the user will need to add the End/Completed Date and the Completed By field.   

Users can also assign this flag to be completed by users and/or roles. Assigned Users is a staff lookup field. Assigned Roles is a lookup field based on specific fields around the system. The most common assigned role is “Program Assigned Staff”, which is designated in the Program Assignment Details screen when enrolling a client in a program.  

Users will need to click “Insert” to add the note to the Note List and then click “Save” to save the screen. Only then will the flag be added to the client. 

Tracking Protocols

Tracking Protocols allow you to automatically add flags to a client upon some sort of program change, create recurring flags, and group a set of flags together to all be assigned at one time. These options are not mutually exclusive.   

The system administrator can create different tracking protocols in a system, and all users can associate these protocols to a client’s chart. CalMHSA has created some standard protocols for counties to use, but counties are expected to create their own based on the needs of their specific programs. 

All current tracking protocols can be seen on the list page “Tracking Protocols (Administration)” and the details of any particular protocol can be seen using the “Tracking Protocol Details” screen.  

Fields: Protocol Detail

  • Protocol Name – The name of the protocol. This is what will show when a user tries to select a protocol or when looking at a Tracking widget. 
  • Description – A brief description of what the protocol is for. 
  • Start Date/End Date – The dates the protocol is considered active.  
  • Active – Whether the protocol can be selected/used or not. 
  • Create Protocol – When the protocol should be added to a client.  
    • Manually – The protocol must be manually added to a client. Currently there is a bug where this will NOT allow you to select a program associated with this protocol when adding it to the client’s chart. CalMHSA is working on addressing this. 
    • On Program Enrollment – This protocol will automatically be added to the client’s chart when the client is enrolled in one of the programs listed (program status = enrolled). 
    • On Program Requested – This protocol will automatically be added to the client’s chart when the client is put in requested status in one of the programs listed. 
    • On Program Discharge – This protocol will automatically be added to the client’s chart when the client is discharged from one of the programs listed (program status = discharged).  
    • *Select Program – At least one program must be added if any of the “On Program…” options are selected above. This tracking protocol will be added to the client’s chart when one of the programs is triggered. If a second program in the list is triggered, but the tracking protocol has already been added to the client’s chart, the protocol will NOT be added a second time. If a tracking protocol needs to be added for each program, separate tracking protocols for each program should be created.  
  • End Protocol – This is when the protocol will be ended. When a protocol is ended, all the flags associated with that protocol will become inactive. Since CalMHSA does not use “episodes”, you must select “Manually” as the option here.  

Fields: Flags

This tab is a multi-iteration table. Add at least one flag to the tracking protocol. After adding a flag, click Insert to add this to tracking protocol.  

  • Type – Select the flag you want to add. This is a search field.  
  • Link With – This will pull the information from the Flag Type Details. This field is not editable.  
  • Active – Whether this flag is considered active in this protocol or not. 
  • Assign Task – This will determine how the flag is assigned when the flag is added to a client via a tracking protocol.  
    • Manually – The flag will not be automatically assigned and must be assigned manually. 
    • By Role – The flag will be automatically assigned to the user who is listed in the assigned role. The most common role is “Program Assigned Staff”, which is added in the Program Assignment Details screen when enrolling a client in a program. If you select this option, you’ll need to add at least one role.  
  • Recurring Flag/Non Recurring Flag – This determines whether the flag is recurring or not. One of these must be selected. Additional fields are required if “Recurring Flag” is selected. 
  • Due Date – Select either a time frame or “Manually” for when this flag will be due. If you’re selecting a time frame, you need to enter a number and a unit. This time frame counts from the date the flag was added based on the tracking protocol. Example: Tracking Protocol adds a flag on 1/5/25 and Due Date is “20 days”, the flag due date will be 1/25/25.  
  • First Due Date – This is available and required if you select “Recurring Flag”. This is when the first occurrence is due.  
    • Same as Due Date – The first time this flag will be required is set by the Due Date above. Example: If the Due Date is “6 months” then the first occurrence of this flag will be due 6 months from the Open Date (the date the protocol is added to the client’s chart).  
    • Different from Due Date – The first time this flag will be required is not set by the Due Date above. Instead, it’s set based on the Open Date (the date the protocol is added to the client’s chart). For example, a document is required upon admission and then every 6 months. The Due Date (above) would be set at 6 months. The “First Due Date” would be set as “Different from Due Date” and would be 5 “Days from Open Date”. This would mean that upon the flag being created via tracking protocol, this flag would be due within 5 days, then every 6 months after that. 
  • Display Date – This is the date the flag will show up on the client’s chart.  
    • Open Date – This will show the flag immediately once it’s created.  
    • # Days Before Due Date – This prevents the flag from showing up until a specified number of days prior to the flag being required. This option is good for when there are annual requirements, as you can keep them from showing on a client’s chart until a month or so before they’re due.  
  • Due Date Based On – This is 
    • Previous Completed Date – Use this if the flag should be due relative to the last time it was completed. Example: The Due Date was 1/25/25 and the flag was completed on 1/31/25. The next occurrence of this flag will be due based on the number of days from 1/31/25. 
    • Previous Due Date – Use this if the item is due based on an absolute date, unrelated to the last time it was completed. Example: The Due Date was 1/25/25 and the flag was completed on 1/31/25. The next occurrence of this flag will be due based on the number of days from 1/25/25. 
  • Can be Completed No Sooner than – This is to ensure that a flag is not completed too early. For example, if a flag is annual, you may want to set it up to not be able to be completed until 30 days before the due date. If a user tries to complete it before then, the system will not allow it. If you do not want to use this option (users can complete this at any time), enter “0”.  
  • Show – This will change what flags will show in the flag list.  
    • Show Active Flags Only – Will show ONLY active Flags (default) 
    • Show Inactive Flags – Will show ONLY inactive Flags 
    • Show Deleted Flags – Will show ONLY deleted Flags 
    • Show All Flags – Will show ALL flags (active, inactive, and deleted) 

Adding Tracking Protocols to a Client’s Chart

When users add a tracking protocol to a client’s chart, they do so using the Client Tracking screen. They will search for the protocol in the “Select protocol” field. If the protocol is set to be added upon a change in program status, the user will need to select a program. The user will also enter the open date, which defaults to today’s date. They then click “Create” to add this to the client’s chart.  

If a protocol is set to only be added manually, the program field will be un-editable. CalMHSA is working to get this fixed.  

Any protocols included in the client’s chart will show to the right of the “Create” button. Clicking on the delete (X) icon next to one of these protocols will bring up a popup window. It asks the user to select whether to set all the flags in the protocol to “inactive”, delete all the flags in the protocol, or mark all the flags in the protocol as “complete”. The user must type in their initials when making this change before they’re allowed to select “OK”. This will not remove the tracking protocol from the list, but should end the protocol.