Services Needing Attention Widget

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The Services Needing Attention widget is there to show you which of your services are not able to move forward in the billing process. Some of these may indicate that […]

Home Screen

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Step by step video guide here: you first login to SmartCare you will land on the Home Screen. You will have a home screen unique to your role to […]

How to Document as a Proxy

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In SmartCare, users can be set up to act as proxies for another user. This means they can start a document for another user. This can come in quite handy […]

How to Complete the Safety Plan

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If you have already completed a paper version of the Safety Plan, you can scan this in upon returning to the office. Follow the scanning instructions HERE and use the […]

How to Complete the Mobile Crisis Service Note

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Document the Mobile Crisis Encounter by creating a new service note. With the client open, click the Search icon. Type “New Service Note” in the search bar. Select “New Service […]