CalMHSA Co-Signer Status Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display the status of documents in SmartCare based on the date range, programs, status, and co-signer selected by the end user. It is […]

OHC Outstanding Claims Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display services that have been claimed where liability has distributed to private insurance and their accounts are in arrears greater than 90 plus […]

CalMHSA Client Meds By Program Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display client medications ordered from the Rx module in SmartCare. The design and layout is based on the existing SmartCare product report – […]

Staff My Caseload Details Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display caseload information for the currently logged in Staff person who runs it in SmartCare. The design is similar to the My Caseload […]

Staff QI Time Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report will show QI Time calendar entries for a staff person that are marked as busy for the user entered date range that includes: Date, Staff Name, […]

Staff (Logged In) Service Detail Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display all individual, group, and Staff QI (marked as busy) records where the service status is in Show or Complete status (for individual […]

CalMHSA Special Populations Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display all special populations for any clients where the start and end dates of the special population are between the From and Through […]

Staff Multiple Service Detail Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Name Menu Path Client Based Report RDL Name Staff Multiple Service Detail Report Reports/Staff Multipole Service Detail Report (My Office) N RDLCALMHSAStaffServiceDetailv2 Parameters Data Type Hidden Comments Service From […]

CalMHSA CSIs Completed Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display the percentage of clients who have had a program enrollment within a user entered date range and program selection for any programs […]

CalMHSA Client Clinical Problems Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display all problems where the start and end dates of the problem are between the From and Through date parameters entered for the […]