CalMHSA 204 – Staff Appointment Report

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Report Description This report is designed to display all appointments of any status. Users can filter the appointments by programs, assigned staff members, and time ranges. Report Name Menu Path […]

CalMHSA 102 – MAR Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

  Report Description This report is designed to provide users an overview of their client’s active medications/orders. It allows multi-day review, status detail, order’s information text and comments. Report Name […]

CalMHSA Client Missing Clinical Problem Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

  Report Description This report is designed to display every program enrolled client’s total amount of clinical problems. Report Name Menu Path Client Based Report RDL Name CalMHSA Client Missing […]

CalMHSA 200 – Staff Dashboard Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display an overview of a staff member’s productivity within a set time period. This includes the staff’s caseload, number of clients served, number […]

CalMHSA 203 – Staff 274 MH/SUD Caseload Report

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to provide users a provider’s current 274 MH and SUD child/adult caseload along with the provider’s max amount of clients they are set to […]

CalMHSA Aftercare Discharge/Summary

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to create a summary of relevant client specific information that are commonly used upon discharging a patient after an inpatient stay, transfer to another […]

CalMHSA 101 – Inquiry Referrals

2023 CalMHSA Logo

Report Description This report is designed to display all inquiry’s Referral information within a date range set by the From and Thru Parameters. Report Name Menu Path Client Based Report […]