CalOMS Report Summary List Page

The CalOMS Report Summary displays information about CalOMS Reports including Record Types for Admission, Annual Update, and Discharge. This page is client-specific, so you must select a client before you can review the CalOMS Report Summary.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type CalOMS Report Summary in the search bar.
  3. Select CalOMS Report Summary (My Office) from the search results.
  1. This will bring up the CalOMS Report Summary list page.


    1. From & To Date: Allows you to select a specific date range. 
    2.  Record ID: The record number is the unique ID for a specific CalOMS record.
    3. Managing Entity: This refers to the County
    4. Batch ID: The Batch ID is the ID for when the CalOMS is batched from SmartCare to the state.  
    5. Program: Here you will see a list of programs you can filter by based on your CDAG permissions.
    6. Provider: Here you can click to select a single provider or multiple. 
    7. Record Type: This allows you to filter by Discharge, Admission, or Annual Update
    8. Record Status: This allows you to filter by the record status, such as cancelled, accepted, error, etc.
    9. Client ID: You can use this option to see only CalOMS specific to a client. 
    10. Responible Staff: You can use this option to filter by the assigned staff. 
    11. Errors: You can use this option to filter by the type of error, such as Provider ID required. 
    12. Days Awaiting Treatment: Use this filter to see a list of CalOMS awaiting treatment by number of days waiting, such as 0-30 days, 31-60 days, etc. 
    13. LOC: This allows you to filter by location. 
    14. Click Apply Filter when all necessary options are selected.