CalMHSA Staff Licenses Report

Report NameMenu PathClient BasedReport RDL Name
Report Name Staff Active Licenses ReportMenu Path Staff Active Licenses Report (My Office)Client Based NoReport RDL Name RDLCALMHSAStaffLicensesReport
ParametersData TypeHiddenComments
Parameters Select StaffData Type Multiple SelectHidden NComments Staff Multi Select
DataSetsForm(s)CDAG EnforcedComments
DataSets Data Set 1Form(s) Staff/Users - Licenses/Degrees TabCDAG Enforced N/AComments This query will display records Staff Id, Staff name, and all active staff licenses from the Staff/Users – Licenses / Degrees tab. An active license is where the start and end dates are null, start date is on or before the current date and end date is null, start date is on or before the current date and end date is on or after the current date, or start date is null and end date is on or after the current date.
DataSets GetCountyLogoForm(s) N/ACDAG Enforced N/AComments County logo image for display on page header
DataSets DataSet2Form(s) Staff/UsersCDAG Enforced N/AComments Used to populate the Staff parameter with active staff records and where non staff records equals=’N’
Default User Roles
County Affiliate SysAdmin Clinician Supervisor Medical Supervisor CalMHSA SysAdmin