CalMHSA Report Queue

Report Status Deployed Comments
CalMHSA 205 - Staff Dashboard (Logged In User) Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 7/29. A version of the CalMHSA 200- Staff Dashboard that will display the same data but just for the current logged in user.
CalMHSA 100 - Shared Care Plan PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 7/29 Placeholder report to display any plan information when user has selected the check box - Add to Shared Care Plan on the Psych Note
CalMHSA 102 - MAR Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 7/1. Inpatient Medication Administration Report meant to improve the SmartCare product MAR report.
CalMHSA 801 - Service Error No Charge Record Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 7/29. - A report that displays services with an error but no charge record
CalMHSA 800 - Claim Denial Report QA Y Updated version deployed to QA - Added staff degree to the claims denial report
CalMHSA Aftercare/Discharge Summary Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 6/3. This report allows for filter and selective choice of what shows up on the aftercare summary. it allows for medical objective data ( eg vitals, meds, outstanding orders, future appts) along with the desired text to show up on this report. One big feature is the ability to capture any Med Rx changes that are made within the last 24 hours to allow demonstration to the receiving party what changes were made to a client's outpt medication list.
CalMHSA Client Medical Related Face Sheet Report QA Y Requested to move to PROD on 8/22. Facesheet/ pdf dashboard for prescribers, now includes Last AIMS and CURES dates.
CalMHSA 103 - Shift/Rounding Report PROD Y In PROD but need to update report with improvements. improve the Shift Report in SL to have more data.
CalMHSA 202 - Mobile Crisis Admin Time Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 6/10. A report that will show the mobile crisis staff calendar entries if they are marked as busy for the user entered date range
CalMHSA 104 - Assessments Due Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 7/1 with updates. A report that will show by program, if an assessment for Cal Aim, CANS, PSC-35, ANSA, or ASAM has been completed and if so, whether or not it was completed on time or not.
CalMHSA 203 - Staff 274 MH/SUD Caseload Report PROD Y Deployed to PROD on 7/29. a report for 274 MH & SUD Staff/Providers, which will extract: - Maximum Number of Medi-Cal Members this Provider will Accept - Children and adult - Current Medi-Cal Members Assigned to this Provider - Children and Adult
CalMHSA 805 - LPS Data Collection Report QA N Requested to deploy to QA on 8/23. NINTEX Legal Status: BHIN 23-067, 24-011, & 24-013 LPS Quarterly Data Collection report
CalMHSA 204 - Staff Appointment Report QA Y Requested to move to PROD on 8/16. A report that will show all appointments for selected staff and programs
CalMHSA 206 - Staff Appointments (Logged In User) Report QA Y Requested to move to PROD on 8/16. A report that will show all appointments for selected logged in staff and programs
CalMSHA Progress Note Timeliness Report - Enhancement Development Y The enhancement does not appear to be working, will redesign. Enhancement to prevent time out when all programs are selected and a lot of data is returned
CalMHSA 105 - Legal Hold Tracking Report for Clinical Use QA N Requested to deploy to QA on 8/23. Create a report with date range and program (multiple-select) Pull all client orders of order "Legal Status" (OrderId: 17)
Denial of Rights Monthly Report Development N DHCS 1804 Report
CalMHSA 107 - Hospital Face Sheet for Concurrent Review Development N Failed QA, back to development. something between the CalMHSA Transfer Summary and the Client Face Sheet report,
inpatient/CSU Client Facesheet Development N inpatient facesheet
CalMHSA 105 - BQuIP Report QA Y Requested to deploy to PROD on 8/7 A BQuIP report similar to ASAM for a list of signed BQuIPs that have been entered for a user entered date range, user entered programs, and user entered staff selection with an abridged selection of fields. Sorted by Effective Date ascending
EQRO: Penetration Rates Report Development N use the MMEF (denominator - what is the race/ethnicity of your Medi-Cal members) and a services report (numerator - race/ethnicity of those members you served)
CalHealthCares Grant Service Report Development N Update 6/5, this information will be added to the CalMHSA 200 - Staff Dashboard report. A report of the total number of client�s and the one�s that are being billed to Medi-Cal out of that percentage for CalHealthCares grant
Pre-billing report for inpatient and reisdential Development N Need a pre-billing report to pull out data for charges where the client has a client program enrollment to a program with a program category = to Inpatient or Residential and just list all the charges that the client has for all programs with the DOS,program name,procedure code and if there is an existing charge error.
Enhance existing CalMHSA Staff Licenses report to add taxonomy information Development N Might not be needed as CalMHSA Credentialing Report has taxonomy codes, Add taxonomy codes to the CalMHSA Staff Licenses and Expiration Dates Report (My Office)
Modify Special Populations Report to include program information Development N Possible duplicate requets of Add Program Enrollment to CalMHSA Special Populations Report, Clinics need to be able to quickly identify all special population clients within their program(s), and counties need to be able to identify and report out on special population clients across all clinics and programs
EQRO - Timely Access DMC Analysis and Design N
EQRO - Timely Access MH Analysis and Design N