Report Description |
This report is designed to display charge errors based on the following criteria: 1. Services/Charges that did not have a Charge Calculated. If there is no charge, then the system does not see a need to identify a Plan, and therefore there is no Billing Code Assigned. 2. Charges that do not have a Billing Code because either the client has NO Coverage Plans Assigned, they have Coverage Plans assigned but their Effective Date does not align with the Date of Service, or they have Coverage associated with a Service Area that does not align with the Service Area of the Service 3. The Client has Coverage Hx Record that is associated with a Service Area that does not align with the Service Area of the Service 4. the Service Area of the Charge Aligns with the Service Area of the Coverage History record BUT, the Specific Plan that was added under the Service Area was not correct (for example the MH Medi-Cal Plan was added under the DMC Service Area) |
Report Name | Menu Path | Client Based | Report RDL Name |
CalMHSA Program Change Errors | Reports/CalMHSA Program Charge Errors | No | RDLCALMHSAProgramChargeErrors.rdl |
Parameters | Data Type | Hidden | Comments |
FROM | Date | N | Start date of services |
THRU | Date | N | End date of services |
Clinical Data Access GroupId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG |
Executed by StaffId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG |
Program | Text | N | Program multiple select based on logged in user CDAG and staff programs |
DataSets | Form(s) | CDAG enforced | Comments |
DataSet1 | Services (Administration) | Y | This query will display any services where the service date is between the @FROM and @THRU parameters, has a charge status of Charge Created or Closed (9454,9458), and does not have a null have for charge in the charge table has no value in the billing code field or the client of the charge does NOT have coverage record. |
GetCountyLogo | N/A | N/A | County logo image for display on page header |
Program | Staff/User | Y | Used to populate the Program parameter with active programs that the user has access to in Staff profile |
Default User Roles |
County Affiliate SysAdmin, LPHA/Clinician, Clinician Supervisor, Reception and Front Desk, Medical Records/Quality Assurance, Billing Supervisor, Billing, Medical Supervisor, CalMHSA SysAdmin |