CalMHSA CSIs Completed Report

Report Description
This report is designed to display the percentage of clients who have had a program enrollment within a user entered date range and program selection for any programs that are defined as Service Area = MH. The percentages will show the amount of enrollment records have a record within the CSI Standalone form Follow Up, Complete, or Missing.
Report NameMenu PathClient BasedReport RDL Name
CalMHSA CSIs CompletedReports/CalMHSA CSIs CompletedNRDLCALMHSACSIsCompleted.rdl
ParametersData TypeHiddenComments
FROMDateNStart date of services
THRUDateNEnd date of services
Clinical Date Access GroupIdIntegerYPassed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
Executed By StaffIdIntegerYPassed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
ProgramTextNProgram multiple select based on logged in user CDAG and staff programs and program service area = MH.
DataSetsForm(s)CDAG enforcedComments
DataSet1Services (Administration)YThis query will display any records where there is a program enrollment with an enrolled date between the FROM and THRU parameters and ServiceAreadId=1 (MH). It will then check if there is record within the document with document codeID = 60159 (CSI Standalone Collection) and depending on the status, categorize them as In Process (status 21), Follow up (status 22), or Missing (status 20 or null record)
GetCountyLogoN/AN/ACounty logo image for display on page header
ProgramsStaff/UserYUsed to populate the Program parameter with active programs that the user has access to in Staff profile that are ServiceArea =1 (MH)
Default User Roles
County Affiliate SysAdmin, Clinician Supervisor, Medical Records/Quality Assurance, Billing Supervisor, Billing, Medical Supervisor, CalMHSA SysAdmin