CalMHSA BHQIP Transition of Care Tool Report

This report is used to track the Transition of Care tools completed in SmartCare. These will always be referrals from the MHP to the MCP. This report includes the MCP referred to. This report contains PHI. This report is meant to be exported to excel where you can manipulate the data further for additional quality assurance and performance improvement activities. This report can be used to provide a summary for the BHQIP September submission requirements for item 2b.

Report NameMenu PathClient BasedReport RDL Name
Report Name CalMHSA BHQIP Transition of Care Report Menu Path CalMHSA BHQIP Transition of Care Report (My Office)Client Based NoReport RDL Name RDLCALMHSATransitionofCareReport
ParametersData TypeHiddenComments
Parameters Service From Date Data Type DateHidden N
Parameters Service Through Date Data Type DateHidden N
Parameters Clinical Data Access GroupIDData Type IntegerHidden YComments Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
Parameters Executed by StaffIDData Type IntegerHidden YComments Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in CDAG
Parameters ProgramData Type Multiple SelectHidden NComments Program multiple select
DataSetsForm(s)CDAG EnforcedTable Header
DataSets DataSet1Form(s) Staff Service InformationCDAG Enforced N/ATable Header This query will retrieve records from the BQUIP Transition of Care screen where the effective date is between the user entered start and end dates and the document has been signed. The format of the report was designed so that end users can export the data out to Excel.
DataSets GetCountyLogoForm(s) N/ACDAG Enforced N/ATable Header County logo image for display on page header
DataSets ProgramForm(s) Client InformationCDAG Enforced N/ATable Header Used to populate the Program parameter with active programs that the user has access to in Staff profile
Default User Roles
Default User Roles County Affiliate SysAdmin Clinician Supervisor Medical Records/Quality Assurance Billing Supervisor Medical Supervisor CalMHSA SysAdmin

Updated 9/5/23