To support counties that are reporting for BHIN24-013, we have created a report of documented legal statuses within the EHR. This data is at a county level. If you are looking at an individual or program level, this information can be found elsewhere.
Please note that this data can aid users in filling out the state report but is only reflective of what is captured within the EHR. Your county may need to include other sources to be comprehensive.
The following roles will be defaulted to have access to this report, and if have the appropriate CDAG user requirements:
- County Affiliate Sys Admin
- CalMHSA Sys Admin
- Medical Records/QI
- Clinical Supervisor
- Medical Supervisor
- Click the Search icon.
- Type CalMHSA 805 into the search bar.
- Click to select CalMHSA 805- LPS Data Collection Report (My Office).

The report will open and you can filter as needed.
- Start Date/ End Date: If desired, the start and end date/time can be defined. Any unique record of legal status that was active during the defined period, will be included in the total counts.
- Programs: Will only list programs that you have been granted access to.
- Units: Will only list units that you been granted access to.
- Show Sections: Can be used to view certain sections of the report.

Report Sections
The data has been segregated by sections. These counts are based on the number of records rather than individual, since it is possible for an individual to have multiple types of holds, rationales and demographic characteristics.
If there is no data available, then the field will not appear, and end users should assume that the count is zero for those defined parameters.
A legal status will be included if it was active during the defined report time period. Active is defined as when the Legal Status order start date is between the Start Date and End Date values entered by the user prior to running the report
Any legal orders that were marked in Client Orders as “ERROR” by end users will not be included.
- General Section: This section provides total number of records of all holds within a county and associated programs.

- By Rationale: This section provides data on the total number of records for each type of hold by the following rationale:
- Danger to Self (DTS)
- Danger to Others (DTO)
- Grave Disability (GD)
- Due to Mental Health
- Due to Substance Use
- Mental Health and Substance Use
- By Rationale: This section provides data on the total number of records for each type of hold by the following rationale:

- By Number of Holds: This section provides data on the total number of records for each type of hold, by the number of holds, and by the defined date/time period established in the filters for Start/End Date/Time:
- Once
- 2-5 Times
- 6-8 Times
- >8 Times
- By Number of Holds: This section provides data on the total number of records for each type of hold, by the number of holds, and by the defined date/time period established in the filters for Start/End Date/Time:

- By Demographics: Age is defined by the following ranges:
- 0-17
- 18-24
- 25-44
- 45-64
- > 65
- By Demographics: Age is defined by the following ranges:
- Sex is defined by:
- Male
- Female
- Not Listed
- Sex is defined by:
The following fields within SmartCare have been defined to the DHCS Report field categories:
- By Race:

- By Ethnicity

- By Gender Identity

- By Sexual Orientation

- By Housing Status

- By Veteran Status

- By Primary Language
