Report Description | ||||
This report is designed to display the total count and calculated percentage of batch upload services and individual service entries. The report will compare both type of services. | ||||
Report Name | Menu Path | Client Based | Report RDL Name | |
CalMHSA 502 – Manual vs. Batch Services Upload Report | CalMHSA 502 – Manual vs. Batch Services Upload Report (My Office) | N | RDLCALMHSA_502_Provider_Directory | |
Parameters | Data Type | Hidden | Comments | |
Service Area | Single Select Dropdown | N | A Single select that allows users to toggle between MH or SUD service area | |
Payer Type | Single Select Dropdown | N | A Single select that allows users to toggle between Commercial, Grant, Medi-Cal, Medicare, Non-Recoverable, or Self Pay Payer Type. | |
Start Date | Date | N | A Date filter that allows users to specify the beginning of the data range for the report to use | |
End Date | Date | N | A Date filter that allows users to specify the end of the data range for the report to use | |
DataSets | Form(s) | CDAG enforced | Comments | |
DataSet1 |
| N | This is a CTE query that aggregates service data by month and year. It calculates manual and batch service counts, totals, and percentages. It pulls service data by the following criteria: · Service records not being soft deleted. · Service records being under Show or Complete status (71, 75). · Service Records whose associated Program’s Service Area have been selected in the Service Area Parameter. · Service Records whose associated Charge record’s coverage plan payer been selected in the Payer Type Parameter. · Service Record’s date of service is within the date ranged created by the Start Date and End Date parameters. | |
ServiceArea |
| N | Query is used to populate the Service Area parameter | |
PayerType |
| N | Query is used to populate the Payer Type parameter | |
GetCountyLogo | County Information (Administration) | N/A | County logo image for display on page header | |
| Default User Roles | |