About this User Manual


This manual is intended for use by anyone who will be in the system administrator role for SmartCare EHR.

Computer Literacy Assumptions for Understanding this User Manual 

  • Ability to perform basic word processing such as typing and searching for documents in files
  • Understands data entry techniques into electronic forms and documents
  • Familiarity with running a windows operating system or other popular programs like Mac OS.
  • Basic knowledge of data bases and their structure
  • Basic knowledge of how to use internet browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

IT Support Requests:

Please call our Help Desk at:916-214-8348 or submit a live chat question to https://2023.calmhsa.org/

Note: Before beginning to use the same system, make sure you have a compatible internet browser like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. CalMHSA recommends Google Chrome for best user experience.