EHR Weekly Bulletin

February 27, 2025

Following are this week’s updates. If you have questions, please contact 

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Potential New User Role: Feedback Requested

With CalMHSA’s work on creating the permission items required to ensure users don’t have access to delete items in SmartCare, we have received a request to create a new user role that specifically grants the ability to delete items. Please keep in mind that if CalMHSA were to create this user role, it would grant the “delete” permissions to ALL the screens and documents, except administration screens (e.g., Programs, Staff/Users).

As we consider this action, CalMHSA would like to hear from more counties if this user role would be helpful to them. Please send your feedback on this issue to by March 7, responding to these questions:

  • Should CalMHSA create a standard user role that grants permission to all delete icons?
  • Should counties create their own custom user roles to grant delete permissions document by document?

Currently, counties can create their own custom user roles to grant the permissions that are specific to their tasks, and some counties may need to limit which documents a job role should be allowed to delete, rather than granting full access to delete documents. Even if CalMHSA creates a new user role, the County Affiliate SysAdmin role will still also be granted every “delete” permission created. However, the hesitation in granting this to other user roles has been based on county feedback that some items have items deleted from their systems.

CalMHSA will review all feedback in its decision-making process and report that decision in the March 13 edition of the Bulletin.

New Permission for Export/Services List Page

A county has requested that the Export button on the Services (My Office) list page be permissioned to the user role “Services (My Office) Add-on.” CalMHSA is informing counties in order to gather any feedback about potential issues with this addition. If no negative feedback is received by March 13, the change will be made on March 14. To provide feedback, email


Upcoming CalMHSA Connex Maintenance

All Connex users were sent an email notification about upcoming maintenance to the Connex site taking place on Sunday, March 2 from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. (PT). Please plan accordingly for this maintenance window and contact with any questions.

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