Report Description | ||||
This report is designed to display all client orders of “Legal Status”. The report has 5 sections. General: shows the county, all programs that had a legal status order associated to it, and total count of the orders (county’s count will be the overall sum of all orders), Rationale: shows the Rationale order types, the Legal Description of the Rationale order type, and total count of each order with that legal description, Holds: shows Hold order types, the hold category of the each hold order type, and the total count of each order with that hold category, Demographics: show the demographics of client that have/has legal orders, the sub-demographics, and the total count of clients that is in that sub-demographics, and Program Beds: shows the program, the units associated to program, and the total count of clients that occupy a bed in the unit. Users can use narrow down this data by selecting which programs and units the data will be pulled from. As well setting up a date range for the report to use. | ||||
Report Name | Menu Path | Client Based | Report RDL Name | |
CalMHSA 805 – LPS Data Collection Report | CalMHSA 805 – LPS Data Collection Report (My Office) | N | RDLCALMHSA_805_LPS_Data_Collection | |
Parameters | Data Type | Hidden | Comments | |
Start Date | Date | N |
| |
End Date | Date | N |
| |
Programs | Multiple Select | N | A multiple select dropdown that allows users to specify which Programs will the data be pulled from. | |
Units | Multiple Select | N | A multiple select dropdown that allows users to specify which Units will the data be pulled from. | |
Show Sections | Multiple Select | N | A multiple select dropdown that users to specify which section of the report they want to be viewable and which ones to be not viewable. | |
ClinicalDataAccessGroupId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in Staff | |
ExecutedByStaffId | Integer | Y | Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in Staff | |
DataSets | Form(s) | CDAG enforced | Comments | |
RationaleDemographics | Client Information (Client), Program (Admin), Client Orders (Client) | Y | This CTE query is used to populate the General, Rationale, and the Demographics section. It pulls the data by the following criteria: · Only pulls up Additional type Client orders · Client Order record is non-deleted · Client Orders’ associating Document record is non-deleted · Client Orders’ associating Staff member record is non-deleted · Client Orders’ associating client record is non-deleted · Order’s Legal column is not Null or equal to ‘0’ · Order’s start date and time is between what is set by the Start and End date parameter. If either parameter is set to Null, then the query will use the order’s start date for that part of the date range. I.E if both parameters are Null, then the date range will be just the order’s start date. · Order’s associated Program is within the selected Programs set by the Select Programs parameter. | |
ProgramBeds | Units/Rooms/Beds(Admin), Bedboard(My office) | Y | This query is used to populate the Program Beds section of the report. It pulls the client inpatient visit data by the following criteria: · The client bed’s assignment record is non-deleted · The bed record is non-deleted · The client inpatient visit record is non-deleted · The client inpatient visit’s Admit or Discharge date is within the date range set by the Start and End date parameter. If either Start or End date are set as Null, the query will use the visit record’s admit or discharge date (depending which of the two is being compared) for that part of the date range. (Example if query is comparing the admit date and the start date is null, then use admit date for the start date of the date range.) · The client bed inpatient visit associated Unit record is within the units that is selected by the Units parameter | |
Holds | Client Orders(Client) | Y | This CTE query is used to populated the Holds section of the report. It pulls the legal hold order data by the following criteria: · Only pulls up Additional type orders · Order record is non-deleted · Order’s associating Document record is non-deleted · Order’s associating Staff member record is non-deleted · Order’s associating Client record is non-deleted · Order’s Legal column is not Null or equal to ‘0’ · Order’s start date and time is between what is set by the Start and End date parameter. If either parameter is set to Null, then the query will use the order’s start date for that part of the date range. I.E if both parameters are Null, then the date range will be just the order’s start date. · Order’s associated Program is within the selected Programs set by the Select Programs parameter. | |
Programs | Programs (Admin), Staff Details -> Proc/Prog/Loc/Proxy/Supervisor | Y | This query is used to populate the Select Programs parameter. The data that is pulled is base off the following logic: * The program-to-CDAG mapping object with the login user’s last used CDAG is active. (Last used CDAG is pulled from the StaffLoginHistory table) * The date of the report being ran is within the login staff’s start and end date with last used CDAG. | |
Units | Units/Rooms/Beds (Admin), Staff Details -> Proc/Prog/Loc/Proxy/Supervisor | N | This query is used to populate the Select Unit parameter. It pulls all active, non-deleted units that the login staff member have access to, based on the StaffUnit table. | |
ShowSections | N/A | N | This query is used to populated the Show Sections parameter. | |
| Default User Roles | |