CalMHSA 202 – Mobile Crisis Admin Time Report (My Office)

This report will show all Mobile Crisis calendar entries for a staff person that are marked as busy for the user entered date range that includes: Date, Staff Name, Staff Degree (LPHA or above vs. not LPHA), Duration with summaries for each staff.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type CalMHSA 202 into the search bar.
  3. Select CalMHSA 202 – Mobile Crisis Admin Time Report (My Office) from the search results.


This will bring up the CalMHSA 202 – Mobile Crisis Admin Time Report. Use the filters as needed.
    1. Staff: A dropdown that displays all active staff members for selection.
    2. From: A date filter that allows users to specify the beginning of the time range they want to pull data from
    3. Thru: A date filter that allows users to specify the end of the time range they want to pull data from
  1. Click View Report.


    1. Service Date: Displays the date the selected staff had a busy, mobile crisis calendar entry on their staff calendar.
    2. Staff Name (ID): Displays the selected staff’s first name, last name, and their SmartCare system id.
    3. Licenses: Displays the selected staff’s licenses that are set as “Billing”
    4. Procedure Code Name: Displays which mobile crisis the calendar entry is set as. It will as display as one of the following:
      • Mobile Crisis – Coordination
      • Mobile Crisis – Data Reporting
      • Mobile Crisis – Dispatch Activities
      • Mobile Crisis – Implementation Planning
    1. Duration: Display the duration of time the selected staff member has set the calendar entry as.