CalMHSA 200 – Staff Dashboard Report

Report Description

This report is designed to display an overview of a staff member’s productivity within a set time period. This includes the staff’s caseload, number of clients served, number of services they have worked on, number of admissions and discharges, and comparing them to the total available minutes of work time. The report calculates the staff’s total available working hours, total hours spent on documentation time (from progress notes), percentage of total time spent on travel/documentation time, total hours spent on travel time (from progress notes), percentage of total time spent on travel time (total time is total working hours), percentage of time spent on QA (suppress if none), total notes written, total notes written within 72 business hours (write formula that removes standard list of county holidays from calculation- you can use CalMSHA holidays for V1), percentage of notes written in 72 business hours, percentage of notes tied to a problem on problem list, top 5 problems selected, percentage of time direct care minutes by race/ethnicity, percentage of clients served by race/ethnicity.


Report Name

Menu Path

Client Based

Report RDL Name

CalMHSA 200 – Staff Dashboard Report

CalMHSA 200 – Staff Dashboard Report (My Office)




Data Type



Start Date 




End Date




Select Staff (Active/Inactive)

Muli Select



Staff ID

Single Select


Single select on active/inactive staff members from the Staff Table.


Single Select


Single select that allows the user to select from the three options base on the selected Start and End Date parameter: hours based on the Staff Hours area setup in the Demographic/Professional tab on the Staff Detail Screen (If the schedule is over 8 hours, it subtracts 1 hour a day for lunch (i.e. 8-5) and it excludes days flagged as holiday that are NOT weekend days), the number of days M-F which are not flagged as holidays and assumes 8 hours each day, and other(manually enter in the total hours for the date range in the “Hours Override” parameter.

Hours Override



The number of hours input here will override the number of hours selected on the Hours parameter.

Clinical Data Access Group Id



Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in Staff

Staff Id



Passed by system at report run time based on currently logged in Staff

Data Sets


CDAG enforced



Staff Hours area in the Demographic/Professional tab on the Staff Detail Screen


Used to populate the Hours parameter base on the selected staff parameter and time range parameter. Does the calculations base on the selected Start and End Date parameter: hours based on the Staff Hours area setup in the Demographic/Professional tab on the Staff Detail Screen (If the schedule is over 8 hours, it subtracts 1 hour a day for lunch (i.e. 8-5) and it excludes days flagged as holiday that are NOT weekend days), the number of days M-F which are not flagged as holidays and assumes 8 hours each day, and other(manually enter in the total hours for the date range in the “Hours Override” parameter.


Service Detail, Staff Calendar(Scheduler Event), Treatment Team Detail, Staff Details, Org Hierarchy


This is a CTE query that pulls in the following selected staff’s information within the time range that been set: Service information that are in the status of “Show” and “Complete”(71, 75),  QI time, Mobile Crisis – Coordination, Mobile Crisis – Dispatch Activities, Mobile Crisis – Data Reporting, and Mobile Crisis – Implementation Planning (11135807, 11136388, 11136389, 11136390, 11136391) Appointments information with the “Busy” status (4342), Caseload Discharge and Admit information set by the client’s Treatment Team, All CDAG the select staff is setup with, All Programs the select staff is setup with, All License/Degree the select staff is setup with, and All Supervisors from both Hierarchy and Staff detail setup.

Get County Logo

County Information


County logo image for display on page header

Note Details

Service Note


This query pulls in the selected staff’s signed document information when the signed document’s effective date is within the Start and End Date parameters. The information is as follows: DocumentID, ServiceID, ClientID, DocumentcodeID, the associating service’s unit, the SNOMED CT problems that was documented to be addressed, the associating client’s ethnicity, the associating client’s race, signature date, and associating service’s DOS. The query also determines whether the signed document was signed within 72 hours.

Top Problems

Service Notes, Group Service Detail


This query will get the top 5 SNOMED CT the selected staff have addressed in signed documents within the selected time range.

Staff List

Staff Details


Used to populate the Staff ID parameter with the following criteria: 1) Staff being associated to login user’s CDAG, 2) Staff’s association to login user’s CDAG is set to active during the set Start and End date parameters, 3) Staff is not soft deleted, 4) and whether the staff is active or not(Depending on the Select Staff(Active/Inactive) parameter). Now if the login user’s CDAG is Admin or if the login user has either the Clinician Supervisor or the Medical Records/Quality Assurance role, criteria 1 and 2 will be bypassed and the login will gain access to all staff members base on criteria 3 and 4.

Service Details

Service Note, Service Details


This query is used to the following information from the Service table: The client associated to the service, service id, the service unit, service’s documentation time, service’s travel time, the program name the service is associated to, the service’s associated client’s ethnicities, and the service’s associated client’s race. This data is pulled base on the service’s date of service being within the Start and End date parameters, the service’s status being either Show or Complete, the service’s being set as Minutes unit, and the procedure code of the service is not a Add-On procedure code.



Default User Roles


Billing Supervisor


CalMHSA Sys Admin


Clinician Supervisor


County Affiliate Sysadmin


Medical Supervisor