Client Accounts List Page

Client Accounts is part of the accounting/financial functionality of SmartCare. Client Accounts (My Office) contains client service information such as charges, payments, and adjustments. You can search multiple client accounts or one client account at a time.

  1. Click on the Search icon.
  2. Type “Client Account” in the search bar.
  3. Select “Client Accounts (My Office)” from the search results.
  1. This will bring up the Client Accounts (My Office) List Page.


The following filters are available on this List Page: 

    1. Active Client: Select between active and inactive clients. 
    2. All Episodes Status: This is not used. 
    3. Programs Enrolled: Chose from a list of programs the client could be enrolled in. 
    4. Complete and Incomplete Financial Information: Allows you to filter based on if the patient’s financial information has been updated or is incomplete. 
    5. Last Name Begins With: Use this to filter by the first letter in the client’s last name. 
    6. Clinicians: Allows you to filter by the clinician. 
    7. Client Balance >0: Allows you to filter by clients that have a larger balance then zero. 
    8. Financial Assignment: Allows you to filter by the financial assignment the client is assigned to. 
    9. Don’t Send Statement: This checkbox allows you to filter by clients who statements are suppressed. 
    10. Click Appy Filter once the appropriate options have been selected. 


The following columns are found on this List Page: 

  1. Client ID: Provides the client ID number to each client. 
  2. Client Name: This hyperlink will take you the client account screen. 
  3. Client Balance: This hyperlink will take you to the Charge Payment screen in the Client Account screen. 
  4. Don’t send Statement: Lets you know if they statements are suppressed for the client. 
  5. Last Statement: This hyperlink takes you to the Client Account screen. 
  6. Last Client Payment: Shows you the last payment made by the client. 
  7. 3rd  Party Balance: this hyperlink takes you to the Charge Payment tab in the Client Account screen.  It shows you how much is owed by the payer. 
  8. Primary Plan: Shows you the Primary Plan that is being billed for services. The hyperlink will take you to the Plan 
  9. Need Information:  Identifies whether or not more financial information is needed for the client’s account.

Export Page Columns

The following columns will be included in the export: 

  1. Client ID
  2. Client Name
  3. Client Balance
  4. Don’t send Statement
  5. Last Statement
  6. Last Client Payment
  7. 3rd Client Balance
  8. Primary Plan
  9. Need Information

Upper Right-Hand Icons

    1. Generate Statement Icon: This will open a window for you to select a date range to generate the client’s statements. 
    2. New Favorites Icon: Clicking on the “new favorites” icon will allow you to add this screen to your favorites for quick access.
    3. Favorites Icon: If you have this listed as your favorite already, when you hover over this icon, it will tell you the favorite name.
    4. Export Icon: This icon is available to admins. You will be able to export the data from this screen into an excel spreadsheet.