Report Name | Menu Path | Client Based | Report RDL Name |
Service Diagnosis Errors | Service Diagnosis Errors (My Office) | N | RDLCALMHSAServicesDiagnosisErrors.rdl |
Parameters | Data Type | Hidden | Comments |
ExecutedByStaffId | Integer | N | StaffId at report run time - system variable |
Programs | Integer | N | Program multiple select that will display programs associated with the current logged in Staff from @ExecutedByStaffId |
DataSets | Form(s) | CDAG Enforced | Comments |
DataSet1 | Services (My Office) | Y | This query will get all records from the Service Error table where the clientId and programId of the service error has an error. The error categories are: No associated record in document diagnosis form for client and program Diagnosis on file but NOT signed Diagnosis date is current date but service has NOT been processed Diagnosis on file but date of diagnosis is after first date of service Other |
MyStaffID | N/A | N/A | This query is used to populate the @Programs multiple select parameter based on logged in user’s associated programs from the Staff/Users form |
GetCountyLogo | N/A | N/A | County logo image for display on page header |
Default User Roles |
County Affiliate SysAdmin LPHA/Clinician Clinician Supervisor Inpatient/Residential Prescriber Medical/RN Non-LPHA Billing Supervisor Billing Medical Supervisor CalMHSA SysAdmin SUD Organizational Provider MH Organizational Provider Mental Health Clinical Organizational Provider |