Considerations for Choosing Procedures/ Services 

Under Service Code Definitions which is broken down by role, you can learn about the procedure code for services and their definitions 

NOTE: This information should be considered as high-level guidance, therefore specific scenarios should be conferred with your county billing administrators. 

Some considerations include:  

  • For face-to-face time, this is only for direct patient care which is defined when patient is present (unless the code specifically states that that patient does not need to be present when utilized).  
  • You could return within 24 hours of same service to amend that time if you had more discussion with patient/collateral beyond the original visit time.  
  • If the service is completed in less than 24 hours, consider using another code that describes the interaction between patient/family and/or care team.    
  • The reimbursement is based on provider type, procedure code, and face-to-face time.  
  • We recommend that you choose the code that best describes the type of interaction.   
  • For any codes that require a certain number of minutes to be reimbursed, we still recommend that you choose the code that best describes the type of interaction. Even if you don’t meet the reimbursement threshold. Enter the appropriate time spent and let the system determine on the backend whether the time is sufficient to be reimbursed.
    • Lastly, depending on your facility type, the code may be reimbursable or non-reimbursable.  In scenarios where the code is non–reimbursable due to the facility setting your admin may suggest to still use the code to help when search by note title.    
For example: Consider for any documented interactions between clinical team where patient care is discussed, using “Medical Team Conference” so that filtering by types of procedure codes is easier within the Services/Notes screen, even if that time is not reimbursed or because due to the facility setting is non-reimbursable